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2 Heart it! Amanda Gregory 35
May 15, 2018
Amanda Gregory
2 Heart it! 35

I am feeling alive with what is present right now.  It feels like magic.

I am on my way, leaving Sedona and going to Las Vegas.  It’s a Friday and I currently have no idea where it is that I am going to be laying my head down for the evening. 

I have just finished an amazing coaching call with my client staring at the red rock canyons in front of me, and swinging on a wooden swing.  I am feeling abundant, free, as if I can do anything and yet my physical body is saying “I’m tired, where are we sleeping tonight?” 

I go into a hotel because I’m having difficulty connecting to the wifi to book a hotel room in the Flagstaff area possibly or somewhere close to there.  Sedona felt complete and ready to move forward to integrate somewhere else.  To just rest and be me. 

I hear some guys at the front desk speaking with a strong New Zealand accent, I smile because it reminds of me of my travels and meeting folks from all over the globe.  As I keep searching, some places come up. 

I finally land on one hotel after a few clicks around.  It looks quaint, adorable and perfect; one hour away in a small town called Williams, Arizona.  I book.

As I approach Williams there is an overhead sign that says Gateway to the Grand Canyon. I find it magical because it is a cast iron sign that I have never seen traveling through the towns of America. It said when the town had originated as well and I felt like it was taking me to another side that I had not yet explored.

Beyond that, nearby there is an original railway with some old trains still on it.  As I creep closer to the town I feel as if I am going back to the late eighteen hundreds.  There is old buildings that looked original to that time like you would see on Little House on the Prairie. And yet once I approach the main drag of the town, it is stuck in the Elvis days;  back in the fifties with all of the neon signs and Americana everywhere. It is surreal.

I pull up in front of an old American diner and a man is playing guitar with a cowboy hat and signing some old tunes. I am in awe of the presence that this town has sustained throughout our evolution with humanity.  It literally feels like taking a portal back in time. 

I chose a place to stay that is on the cheaper side of things, closest to the canyon, wanting an experience for just me.  I have just currently finished a retreat that left a massive imprint and clarity on my heart.  I felt like I needed a safe space to process before heading back overseas. 

I apparently chose the oldest hotel in Arizona called the Grand Canyon Hotel.  Incredible! All of the rooms are different and unique.  They let me have two choices of rooms, number three or twenty two.

Before the attendant said I could choose, I had already chosen room three. As I sit here looking down at the town below me I am in utter awe and shock of the wonders that America has to offer. 

I AM proud to be an AMERICAN. 


So diverse in its very essence,

to the core you are a quilt.

A blended mix of many patches that all represent the divinity of freedom. 

What does it mean to be free?

Free to me is the total and complete permission to be yourself,

Alive, here in the now and feeling like you can fly with the wind.

Let the wind carry your wings,

Allowing your heart to lead the way.

You are free if you choose to be.

What will you choose?

Being present with this magic coursing through my veins I realize that America has SO much beauty and diversity to offer.  We have to move outside of what we think we know to experience the greatness that this life has to offer.

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2 Heart it! Amanda Gregory 35
2 Heart it! 35

Monika Carless May 14, 2018 11:03pm

Love this! Beautiful share Amanda.

    Amanda Gregory May 23, 2018 3:23am

    Thank you Monika <3

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