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Speaking out about Guns. Lessening the production and availability of guns. Concentrating on peace.

1 Heart it! BOB Ellenberg 19
June 7, 2018
BOB Ellenberg
1 Heart it! 19

Sh’mal Ellenberg


TOO MUCH SHOOTING OF GUNS: A QUESTION OR A STATEMENT. Yes, it passes through and out consciousness and conscience faster they a speeding bullet. Did we ever hear of these atrocities happening in schools in the not to distant past? I sat in my backyard after the last school shooting reading from a small book of Chinese Wisdom, the Tao Te Ching. The Way of Life written more than 2000 years ago. I was surprised to find a poem about weapons: “Weapons at best are tools of bad omen: loathed and avoided by those on the way. By gentlemen not to be used. But when it cannot be avoided: They use them with calm restraint. A multitude slain – and their death a matter of grief and tears.” So, yes, even 2000 years ago the thoughtful ones had it in their words.

As many have, I spent time sending many thoughts and tears to those immediately touched by the horror of deranged shooters. And then, I couldn’t help but think about all the millions of tons of bombs dropped on so, so many.

I never shot a gun preferring to be in my vegetable garden peacefully tending to the natural world, meditating with as much serenity as my breath can bring to my inner self and the outer world.

Many people are having a lot of fear and paranoia about the world we inhabit and have created, with arsenals ready to fight wars. Living in one of the most heavily armed countries in the world.

Thankfully only 20 per cent of the U.S. population has weapons. If 80 per cent of the population is without guns maybe it is time for us to have a greater influence over gun control than the NRA.


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1 Heart it! BOB Ellenberg 19
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