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When Your Body Tells You That You’re On The Right Path (and How to Listen)

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June 20, 2018
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The windows are down, the music is blasting, the sun is shining on my tanned forearms as I drive down Pacific Coast Highway. I am singing along and a thought pops into my head, “these moments are so kind.” I suddenly get goosebumps all over my body and I feel my heart filling up with pure happiness. This moment is truly special.

When we are following things that make us happy, we are always on the right path. I am learning right now that in order to live our best lives, we should pursue all things that interest us, fill our hearts with wonder, or send passion coursing through our veins.

When I was younger, I wanted to be an astronaut. Then I wanted to be a doctor. I always told myself l that these dreams were too big, they would take too much time, they were too far above me. I am learning now that my excitement for things unknown and my desire to help people are not too big for me, they are the exact direction that I should follow. At any moment where you are feeling happy, take a moment to notice what is going on around you. What are you thinking? What brought it on? How can you repeat this everyday? Make a habit of seeking moments that make you light, and watch your life change for the better.

Our interests are our roadmap, our happiness is our guide, and our goosebumps are our markers that we are heading in the right direction.


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