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Can We Talk?

1 Heart it! Marilyn Regan 50
July 5, 2018
Marilyn Regan
1 Heart it! 50

Can we talk?

I mean really.You can go first and I’ll listen, listen without interrupting you. And I’ll try not to roll my eyes, shake my head or make faces if I disagree with you. I will actively listen to you and try to understand your viewpoint. I will try to understand how you arrived at that point…and why. I will not think of a rebuttal while you are speaking. I know you’re doing your best and you’ve taken time to arrive at your opinion. I want to understand it, even if I don’t agree.

When you are done, I want you to listen to me, without interrupting and also trying to keep the negative body language to a minimum. Please try to understand where I am coming from and why. I have also taken a lot of time to arrive at my beliefs and conclusions.

When we’re finished talking, let’s ask one another questions. Again, you can begin. Frame it so it’s open ended and let me complete my answers. Comment and then we’ll debate. I’ll try to wrap my head around your words and see if I can connect the dots, not agree with you necessarily, but understand.

Then I’ll ask you a question and you will answer. I will listen, actively, seeking to understand. When you’re done speaking we’ll debate. Who knows, maybe we’ll find a solution that works for everyone or a way to at least improve the situation. This is why we humans have the power of speech and we’re the only animals on the earth with this gift. Let’s use it to our benefit.

You see, this isn’t an “us and them” world or an us and them country. We’re all in this together, sharing the same earth, natural resources, sickness, hardships. We all bleed the same color. We all breathe the same air, need water to survive. We come into this world the same way and we all die.

We’re all on the same ship, and if it sinks, the entire ship sinks, not just my half or yours. As long as we have democrats against republicans, black against white, Christians vs. Jews, or any other label that divides, we’re screwed.

We are all spiritual beings having a physical experience.

Our country is a United States, “E Pluribus Unum,” (“from many; one.” ) Our seal is an American bald eagle clutching 13 arrows in one talon and an olive branch in the other. So the us and them and you and me attitudes are counterproductive and counter to what the Founding Fathers envisioned. It is a government by “We the people…” all of us, a country of immigrants, mongrels.

Can’t you just stop for a second, take a breathe and consider, that even if I really am a snotty, arrogant SOB and you abhor what I believe, that I might have an idea you don’t? Think of it as someone you don’t like having something you really like or need and they’re willing to give it to you. I am also willing to receive.

So listen. You might hear something that makes sense. Let’s stop the name calling. We are the only ones who can save ourselves.

Please we need one another. Let’s talk.

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1 Heart it! Marilyn Regan 50
1 Heart it! 50

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