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Can We Just Take A Moment To Pay Homage To Nirvana’s 1992 SNL Performance?

0 Heart it! erika soerensen 297
July 27, 2018
erika soerensen
0 Heart it! 297

Can we just take a moment and pay homage to Nirvana’s 1992 SNL performance of “Territorial Pissings?” Just the three of them making all this angsty noise at a time when most everyone in the status quo was covering their ears to the pain. This performance embodies so much of what it felt like to be a teenager at that time. GenX at its finest. We catch alot flack for our perceived slack, but it’s only because we saw through the neon and into the abyss. Unlike past generations, we were brave enough to delve into our darkness, courageous enough to sit with it and dissect it and passionate enough to share our pain – which is everyone’s pain – with the world.

I love Kurt’s hair here, too – another tongue in cheek statement along with his original Daniel Johnston (bowing down!) t-shirt. But, what I love most about this performance is – the blatant destruction of the stage, Dave Grohl smoking at the end, and all of them “making out” on live TV after the farewell = priceless. Remember, this was 1992, even before Ellen came out! This performance embodies the typical GenX latch key American kid of the time who was sick of keeping dirty family secrets, sick of trying to conform to an inauthentic and uncomfortable norm and decides to call bullshit while throwing a most righteous fit. Thank you.

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