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I have a love affair with nature.

0 Heart it! erika soerensen 45
July 28, 2018
erika soerensen
0 Heart it! 45

I have a love affair with nature.

How can I not adore something that lives so selflessly to sustain me?

Something that lives just to bloom fully, thriving no matter the challenge.

How can I not honor and respect something so brave, bold, sturdy and self sufficient?

Something that brings so much beauty, authenticity and awe to the table on a daily basis.

A constant landscape of grace, magic, power and resilience to remind me of the qualities we inherently share.

Surviving while thriving,

Blooming while dying,

Embracing it all

Without excuses or reasons why this temporary beauty is so unfair.

Bloom while you still can.

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0 Heart it! erika soerensen 45
0 Heart it! 45

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