August 10, 2018

Mountain Lion discovered inside Boulder home.

When we live right by the mountains, particularly, there’s little excuse for us to behave in a way that can endanger our pets, ourselves, or the wildlife whose neighborhood we have moved into. I live close to the mountains and see deer regularly, and bears, and half my neighbors fail to secure their trash, and the bears pay with their lives. ~ ed.

“Last night at approximately 10:40 p.m., we received a call from a homeowner who upon returning home discovered a mountain lion inside their home in the 400 block of Marine Street. We believe that the mountain lion pushed through a screen and then could not get back out. The mountain lion roamed throughout two levels of the home. It took Boulder police and Colorado Parks and Wildlife over an hour to coax the mountain lion out of the home using less lethal force. Shortly, after midnight the mountain lion cautiously left the front door. Several less lethal rounds were fired to haze the mountain lion out of the area. Thankfully no people were inside the home. Sadly, a house cat was killed. The mountain lion did not appear to be injured from the less lethal rounds.

This is unheard in the City of Boulder and very worrisome to Colorado Parks and Wildlife. At a minimum, please keep ground level doors and windows closed and locked at night and when you are not home. (This is also good advice for bears and burglars.)”
“There are means and ways of dealing with this, cautiously, fearlessly, practically, and consciously. We had a mountain lion shot dead in our back yard right here in town in 2013 so I speak from experience. It seemed unnecessary yet for Boulder County I sensed “more convenient”. Grateful this time was not the case, and that hopefully we are learning to work “together” on this as mindful conscious human animals, equals versus dictators. Sincere blessings to the pussycat involved and its owners.” ~ a neighbor
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