Tonight, I am angry.
I am angry because today a woman lost. Today, women lost.
I am angry because a small number of privileged old white men continue to make decisions for all women. Especially women’s bodies.
I am angry because Brett Kavanaugh is angry. He is angry because someone-a woman-has dared raise the question of his “goodness” and thus his entitlement to a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court, where he will make more decisions that affect women and their bodies-My body. My daughters’ bodies.
I am angry because when a woman has the courage to come forth with serious criminal, sexual assault allegations, *her* integrity is ALWAYS questioned.
I am angry because the privileged white male is presumed innocent until proven guilty, while the female assault survivors are presumed guilty (or presumed crazy, or presumed political pawns, or presumed sluts—or all three) until proven innocent.
I am angry because EVERY person of any other racial, gender or religious representation must endure indignities and discrimination daily, while the privileged white male continues to walk through life with ease, entitlement and arrogance—nevermind outrage and self righteous indignation if his honor is ever offended or -god forbid -questioned.
Tonight, I am angry.
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