Today I want to be tangled up in blue,
I want to do the opposite of something,
to just be still with you.
I want to wrap my arms around you like a blanket,
a blanket we suddenly need,
and then I want to feed you—
my poetry, my ideas,
and maybe some delicious burritos
with avocado slices,
things for you to digest slowly,
things that leave you full.
And I want to talk about tomorrow,
but not for very long.
Right now I want to hunt a couple rainbows,
because what else, what else is all this damn rain for?
I want to straddle you on our couch,
while the dog barks his stupid, jealous bark.
You in your steadfast truth,
yes, I want a little bit of that…
and then I want you to tell me a secret,
one just for me to know,
one for my ears only,
a sexy, funny secret.
All this, all this I want before we set out alone,
alone to do what we do when we are not together,
or still,
or tangled up in blue,
no longer wrapped inside a moment,
dear heart, you—
I want you whispering all things lovely and real,
before we bid adieu.
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