October 16, 2018

There’s still Time Left: here’s how to Register to Vote in each State.

Today is the last day to register to vote in much of the country.

To find out where and how to register in each state, go here.

Words from Michelle Obama:

When you don’t vote, you’re letting other people make some really key decisions about the life you’re going to live, the places you’re going to live, and how it’s going to work out for you.

“And you may not like what they decide. You might not like living with the consequences of other people’s choices.

“But that’s what happens when you stay home. You’re essentially putting your future in the hands of others. And the truth is that’s exactly what some folk are hoping you that you’ll do.

“The only way to make changes in this country is to get out and vote for the change you’re looking for.

“And if you are not registered to vote, please just get registered, please. And if you are registered to vote, I want you to reach out to everyone that you know.

“Do not take for granted that getting a few more people registered and getting to the polls won’t make a difference. Because it will—it absolutely will.

It is not about the leader—the power of democracy is in all of us. The person that you’re looking for is standing in your shoes. You are the person that can save yourself from this.

We are our heroes, we are our leaders. ”

Watch the full video here.


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