October 23, 2018

The Essence of Self-Love in 130 Beautiful Words.


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A post shared by Jen Cannon (@theadventureofjenny) on Jul 3, 2018 at 9:26am PDT

“What’s self-love supposed to feel like?”
I’ve been asked before.
I once laid on a blanket watching a comet shower in the backyard of a friend’s house
We were having so much fun we only saw one shooting star
We stayed up ’til sunrise
And forgot to take pictures.
Her son woke us up—
An hour of sleep under our belt—
With singing and kisses
Excited to experience the new and fun adventures the morning brought.

Self-love is the essence of that night.

It’s the anticipation of the comet shower
The safety of the blanket
Joy so ecstatic pictures were forgotten
The star that lit up the whole sky
The stillness of the hour’s nap
Pure love in her son’s kisses
And the endless possibilities of a brand new day.


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Jen Cannon

author: Jen Cannon

Image: Author's Own

Image: Jessica Felicio/Unsplash

Editor: Catherine Monkman

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