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Dirty is not a sexy word. Sex is not a dirty word {Poem}.

5 Heart it! Pauli Williams 153
October 27, 2018
Pauli Williams
5 Heart it! 153

I see you

Eyes gazing over there; clouded in shame

Hungering with lust

Yet scared of being stained


Fear of being tainted

Degraded, deemed unclean

Negative notions

Anxious of being seen


Wanting to be free

Allowed to admire

Any and all human beauty

Inhale your desire


Whether it’s her or him or they

Own your urges, don’t be afraid


I implore you, dear one, do dress as you please

Don’t care what they think

You are not a tease


Lycra is not just for her

He can wear it too

As can they; choose any hue that’s you


Wear it loud, wear it proud

Whether you are short or tall

Wear it any which way

But please don’t hide from it all


Out to dinner or in the yard

That silky silver slip

Caressing your skin just so

Please do wear it, if you makes you glow


I will hold your hand, it will be okay

It truly doesn’t matter

Whether you like her or him or they

Please be you, I accept you anyway

I see you

Your desire to be fed


An appetite so carnal, so raw

It’s okay to be you

It’s okay to want more


More of the high, that dopa rush

The passionate connections

That frisky touch


Exhilarating, energizing, electrifying


Dirty is not a sexy word

Dirty is what you find in the kitchen sink

Returning home from work at the end of an exhausting week


Sex is not a dirty word

It is not something to be held in contempt

It is a delightful, sumptuous feast

An intoxicating natural high of life


Dirty is the soles of your feet

Soiled after walking barefoot


Dirty is not a sexy word

Though, yes, often the end result of a tryst

Sweaty bodies, beady skin

Glimmering with the afterglow of ecstasy


Passionate sexy pursuits are life giving

Life bearing; literally and figuratively

Reigniting, renewing, reborn

Like a phoenix from the ashes


Dirty is not a sexy word

Dirty is unclean, dirty is foul


Sex is not a dirty word

It is not crude or naughty or bad

Your feelings are human

Please don’t let them make you sad


It’s okay to yearn to be desired

It’s okay to give rise to that fire

Surrender to that heat

Slowly simmering inside


Consensual sex is connecting to the body

Being in the present moment

With your lovers or flame


In private, behind closed doors

Outside under the cloak of night

In sensual moments, swift or slow

Chasing that luminescent glow


Harder, softer

Faster, slower


With her or him or they

All alone or amongst the fray


Frisky feels, flowing freely with fervour


Sex is not a dirty word

It is nurturing, nourishing and sweet

Mixing light and dark, heavy and soft

A tasty tonic

A salve for the weary soul



Pauli Williams, Elephant Academy Apprentice

Photo: Pixabay

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5 Heart it! Pauli Williams 153
5 Heart it! 153

optimusjosie Oct 27, 2018 5:42pm

This poem embodies all the inner turmoil I felt in my early 20s and teen years. Now, I realise I was right all along. I should have embraced these aspects of my personality and not played them down to please anyone external to myself. Beautifully written and strong message.

amie scott Oct 27, 2018 6:36pm

thank you Pauli! beautifully crafted! EA love and mine <3

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