August 30, 2008

Good Causes w/tight Deadlines that Give Back (to you): Support Tibetan Translators; Obama Starter Kit.

We recently interviewed Jules Levinson re the importance of supporting Tibetan translation—it’s a culture that began falling off a cliff in 1959, and with the last of the great Tibetan-born Buddhist gurus nearing 80 years old, now (such as Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso, Rinpoche, above), the translation work is truly urgent—both historically and spiritually. Right now there’s an online auction with amazing paintings, particularly—offered by various artists including Robert Spellman, my former teach at Naropa University, and Tatjana Krizmanic (see below)—I can’t remember a more rewarding way to support a good cause…

…since I spent $50 of my few dollars this morning on an ‘Obama Starter Kit’ so I could help Obama show some good support by the fundraising deadline, tomorrow. Having gone off public financing (meaning he’s not taking 85 million of our tax dollars) Obama is beholden, as all politicians ought to be, to small donations from countless individuals. Gobama!












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