May 2, 2019

Astrological Forecast: the Best way to Make Use of May’s Full Moon.


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*Whether astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.


The planets in the sky are always bringing us lessons, wisdom, and guidance.

Whether the teachings are smooth or difficult depends on who you talk to, but the “effortless versus arduous” question is largely tied up in the amount of resistance we feel to wanting to do the work presented.

Inner personal work can be rewarding yet exhausting, and while there are many months this year when the astrology is no walk in the park, the planets are going easy on us in the month of May.

We had three outer planets (Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn) turn retrograde in April (and boy do retrogrades bring us those aforementioned lessons). Those planets will continue their retrograde journeys for the next several months, and Neptune will turn retrograde in June, but for the month of May, it’s safe to say that we have a nice window in which we can settle down and hone some skills, particularly as they relate to allowing ourselves to feel contentment and satisfaction.

New Moon in Taurus, May 4th.

Regardless of whether your sun sign lands in the sign of the bull, you do have Taurus influence in your chart.

This fixed earth sign is all about money, value, and the physical body (three things that relate to each other in complex ways). The Taurus archetype ties all three together by emphasizing the idea of resources.

In order to function in our world, we must have supplies of what we need to draw upon. We humans place a high value on money, health, and pleasure. Of course, our ability (or lack thereof) to acquire those things informs our sense of self-esteem. We come to equate a high or low amount of personal resources, with a high or low sense of personal value.

The new moon in the sign of Taurus will have us looking at the ways that we relate to abundance and self-worth. Do those things flow easily toward us? Do we more often feel rich, or poor? Do we feel that we have a right to secure what we need and desire?

It’s one thing to say “yes, of course I want money!” and another thing entirely to look with honesty at our programming around money. Chances are, what we want is actually different from what we believe. Our limiting beliefs can really obstruct our sense of personal abundance; they make us blind to what we do have, and trick us into thinking that we’re powerless to generate what we need, (or that we aren’t even worthy of riches in the first place).

New moons bring fresh, new energy. In this case, it’s an advantageous time to examine our relationships to money, value, and pleasure. Be open to seeing things from a higher, or more spiritual perspective. If a sense of lack does exist, pursue experiences that feel abundant. Naps, walks, deep breaths, and good conversations don’t cost a thing, but they feel so good.

One of the easiest ways to make use of this new moon is to “practice pleasure”—whether we think we deserve it or not.

Full Moon in Scorpio, May 18th.

When the moon is full, the sun is across the sky in the opposite sign. In May, the moon is in Scorpio and the sun is in Taurus. This pulls in the themes of prosperity and self-care from our new moon on May 4th and adds a new element. The Scorpio-Taurus axis is one that deals with resources; in the case of Taurus it’s about the resources that we’re responsible for, and that we have control over. In Scorpio, it relates to the resources that we share with others, and the assets that we do not have control of.

This can get complicated and introduce some fear, control struggles, and distrust. We won’t necessarily be doomed to struggle during this full moon but certainly, we might find that variations of these themes arise.

Look for a clear picture of how these dynamics (mine versus ours) show up in our lives. What happens when we no longer have control of our money? How do we react when our pleasure is totally dependent on someone else? These are questions that may need answers during this time.

Scorpio is a water sign and Taurus is an earth sign, making it an “emotions versus logic” kind of moon. We’ll want to bring a logical approach to our emotional reactions without allowing one side or the other to run the show. Know that the end goal is awareness. We don’t need to solve what we find, or even heal it necessarily, we just want to become aware of all of the factors at play, because that is power.

Sun enters Gemini, May 21st.

The sun leaves the fixed earth sign of Taurus and enters the mutable air sign of Gemini on May 21st. After a month of the sun in security-seeking, slow-moving Taurus, Gemini may feel like a breath of fresh air, especially for those of us that want to move faster in the intellectual realms.

Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury which rules communication, opinions, questions, thoughts, and learning processes. The sun in Gemini will have us operating from our head centers (as opposed to our bodies, like we were in Taurus), so be prepared this month to conduct exciting expeditions of the psychological sort. Gemini loves to connect with others through the spoken word so socializing may seem particularly appealing over the next four weeks or so.

Despite the lack of some of the weightier astrological dynamics this month, we still have work to do, but it’s soft work. Or rather, it should be soft work. Bring enjoyment to the process, add in a little self-indulgence, and really study what it feels like to be prosperous.


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