July 9, 2019

For the Women Questioning their Power.


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I need to be alone.

The loud whispers of the world exhaust me.

I steal a moment of silence
And skim the depths with a thirsty heart
My lips open to taste salt
And diamonds
Found only
In those dark, secret spaces
We’ve coated in shame.

Underneath the wreckage—

Something tall and sexy and bold
And I will never die.
No amount of pain or fear will stop me.

It’s my soul dripping with a fever for life
For living!
For the wild breath of becoming, transforming, learning
The pure, splattered joy of

Undressing what is not me
Kissing invisible lips
When I’m on my knees
Surrendered to the suffering I’ve known
Rising my eyes
Toward the Divine
The cool mist that comes
In moments of quiet
When I let my tears run
Like rain
Pointing to the gushing waterfalls inside.

It’s the thing in us all
That never dies 
That sparks
Electric, dynamic
To rise.

I go deeper
I get goosebumps and shiver
No one is home
It is me, my cats,
And these words
There is space
To feel anything I want to feel!

That is everything to me. 

And these words are not just mine
There are bold
They are freedom
They are a box of goddamn wildness
I open
When I close my eyes
And go inside
To those unchartered waters
I’ve spent my whole life trying to hide
Succumbing to the narrow expectations of society:
How small a woman “should” be


I am alive.
I am not a pretty plaything
But a raw, real woman who booms and howls and moves!
I am here in flesh and bone, and my voice will be heard.
So I put my hand on my heart
I breathe
The me climbing up from the shame, silence, mud, and pain
The me
I really am
I breathe heavy now
Drenched in the roaring rhythms of my deepest self.

There is vast power inside us
Power in the parts we think are
Weird, helpless, too much, broken, wounded, sh*tty, misunderstood, ugly, too sensitive, weak
Those are the most breathtaking parts of all! 

There is no need to hide
From those glorious places within
That swirl in shadows
And glisten with something unexpected.

Look at yourself, dearest—
Put your hand on your heart and breathe
Be led deep inside
Where adventure abounds
Where your soul dances with
Pure fire!
Like you have never known.

Taste that
Lock lips with the Divine
As you expand
Into the raw, glittering wonder
You are meant


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Sarah Harvey  |  Contribution: 84,555

author: Sarah Harvey

Image: Bruno Salvadori/Pexels

Image: @elephantjournal on Instagram

Editor: Kelsey Michal

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