September 21, 2011

Stop Bullying.


Key & Peele: School Bully – so true it stops being funny (youtube.com) For Canadians, Australians.
And, an interview with the parents, where they tell about the bullies chanting “we’re glad he’s dead” at a school dance after their son’s wake.

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Heartbreaking: RIP: Jamey Rodemeyer, 14 years old.

“Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but words…can hurt one’s will to live.”

On this day when Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell officially ended, we all received some heartbreaking news.

It’s getting better, but…

RIP: 14-year-old Jamey Rodemeyer, a victim of relentless anti-gay bullying, was found dead earlier this week of an apparent suicide.

“I always say how bullied I am, but no one listens,” Jamey wrote on his Tumblr blog in a post dated September 9th. “What do I have to do so people will listen to me?”

The bullying got particularly intense about twelve months ago, when classmates started leaving homophobic remarks on Jamey’s Formspring page. “JAMIE [sic] IS STUPID, GAY, FAT ANND UGLY. HE MUST DIE!,” read one of the many vicious comments.

Friends were always there to defend him, however…read the rest here, including some wow-in-a-sad-way comments.

His especially-now-heartbreaking video:

“It takes a village to kill a child.”

Jamey I am so sorry that you lost this battle you were such a sweet kid and I am so sorry that I couldnt do more to help you…Paws Up

Jamey Rodemeyer, a 14-year-old gay teen from the Buffalo, NY area, killed himself last weekend after what his parents say was years of bullying, WIVB reports:

Soon after coming home from a family camping trip, Jamey was found dead Sunday. His parents say he was always under pressure because of struggles with his sexuality. Jamey’s mother Tracy Rodemeyer said, “So he hung around with the girls a lot, so then the teasing started happening like ‘Oh you’re such a girl or you’re gay or whatever and that bothered him for many years.”

Jamey’s father Tim Rodemeyer said, “To the kids who are bullying they have to realize that words are very powerful and what you think is just fun and games isn’t to some people, and you are destroying a lot of lives.”

Buffalo News adds:

On Saturday night, he posted a lyric from Lady Gaga’s song “The Queen” on his Facebook page:

“Don’t forget me when I come crying to heaven’s door.”

Then around 1:30 a.m. Sunday, Jamey posted two final messages to his main public Tumblr blog. One said he really wanted to see his great-grandmother, who had recently died, and one offered thanks to Lady Gaga.

That was his last entry.

Jamey was very active online, with a Tumblr blog, and YouTube account. He “routinely blogged about school bullying and thoughts of suicide in between upbeat posts about his pop star idol Lady Gaga” and posted to his followers about National Suicide Prevention Week, the paper adds.

Read more: http://www.towleroad.com/2011/09/jamey.html#ixzz1YVht2MXi

Jamey was a 14-year old boy from Buffalo, NY who ended his life tragically because of gay bullying. I didn’t know him personally but the love online is strong and true, he was a beautiful soul and has touched many lives. I dedicate this to Jamey and all those who knew him, I am so sorry.

Jamey was a huge Lady Gaga fan and it was his dream to have her follow him on twitter. If you can share this link so Gaga sees this it would be greatly appreciated! If you are wondering about the audio recording – That is Jamey. I got it from his Youtube channel and it was one of his video’s to Lady Gaga.

And to those who are being bullied or know of bullying happening to someone or suspect someone who may be contemplating ending their lives please do not hesitate to tell an adult or parent. Don’t make the mistake of staying silent, you could be saving your own life or someone else’s.


Lady Gaga – “The Edge Of Glory”
Lady Gaga – “Born This Way”

One more:

New: Anderson Cooper:

DADT: “Good Riddance.” Jack Strouss, a gay World War II veteran, reflects on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal:

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