August 25, 2019

5 Ways to Practice the Nomadic Lifestyle before you Fully Commit.


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Being “nomadic” is quite the popular trend these days.

We adore the idea of traveling the world, bouncing from place to place doing as we’d like, exploring culture, exploring untapped parts of the world, and most importantly, better exploring ourselves.

Often I get asked, “How do you do it? How do you travel the world so much? What are you doing for work?”

The witchy part of my personality would tell someone “I just do it. It all works out. I’m super lucky!”—which is absolutely true. I wouldn’t be where I am right now if I hadn’t trusted a deeper voice inside of my soul telling me to step beyond the “white picket fence” life I had created for myself, and moved into the unknown.

Just a couple years ago, I was living the typical American life: steady boyfriend, steady nine-to-five job, CorePower Yoga membership, and a community of friends.

There is nothing wrong with this lifestyle. In fact, sometimes I miss the simplicity of having a stable, “normal” life.

However, there was something inside me saying that my soul was here on this planet for just a short amount of time, and that no time could be wasted by living a normal, plain lifestyle. My spirit was looking for deeper experiences, leaning me into my soul’s evolution.

I took the leap a couple years ago to quit my job, which scared me sh*tless, especially since everyone around me was doubting my actions. I bought a one-way ticket to Vietnam, telling my friends I would be back in a month, maybe longer. Two years later, I sit here writing this article in a little hole-in-the-wall restaurant, overlooking the surf swell in Costa Rica. 

Before, my life consisted of work, boyfriend, and gym.

Today, my life consists of uncertainty, play, papayas for breakfast, waves for lunch, and following the whispers of my heart.

I would never take back the decision to quit my job, and I’m here to tell you that you too, can leave the “picket fence” life. Here are a few tips on how: 

1. Start practicing being fearless.

It’s a muscle that you can strengthen by getting through the small stuff. Start a new hobby that scares you, ask that cute guy out, and start the practice of moving into fear. Fear is really just the unknown. What we don’t know scares us. But the only way we can expand is by doing what scares us. Start with the small stuff—and then the big stuff becomes easier.

2. Follow the smallest sign.

Even if your mind doesn’t know where to go, your soul already does. There’s probably a place, or an opportunity that has been calling your name. If you want to take off to some part of the world, but you don’t know where—then follow the first and smallest sign. I’m talking about overhearing a conversation on the subway or seeing an Instagram post of a location that makes you feel excited.

Follow the whispers of your heart. It always knows what your mind doesn’t. 

3. Don’t travel “just to travel.”

Don’t travel just to travel—this will get boring. Wherever you go, go with a purpose. Trust me on this one—sipping cocktails on beaches and partying at hostels can only amuse you for so long before you start to feel purposeless and unfulfilled. Go to India for that yoga teacher training you’ve been wanting to do, or go volunteer at a school in Vietnam. Go somewhere for a calling that is deeper than selfies and checklists—here, you will find your purpose. 

4. Trade your skills.

As a yoga teacher, Yogatrade.com has become my best friend in helping me find opportunities to live and work all over the world. I’ve been able to teach yoga at a cool surf hostel in Sri Lanka, a boutique hotel on the east coast of Bali, and at a permaculture farm in the south of Costa Rica. Not a yoga teacher? Check out workaway.org for opportunities in any work field, from nannying, to gardening, to construction. Do some research and prepare to work abroad—if you think that money is the only thing holding you back from traveling, then this is your solution to traveling without spending a single dime. 

5. Get your sh*t together.

Finally—the adult stuff. Just because I’m nomadic doesn’t mean I don’t have responsibilities and cares in the world. If you’re seriously thinking about moving toward a nomadic life, make sure you cross your T’s and dot your I’s. I still invest in important items like travel insurance, identity theft insurance, and of course, an international phone plan so I can phone home to assure my parents I am still alive.

My last piece of advice for you is simply to go for it! Quit the job, dump the toxic boyfriend, change up your life if you’re not currently satisfied, and make the leap of faith into the unknown. If people think you’re crazy, then you know you’re on the right track.

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Brooke Nally  |  Contribution: 880

author: Brooke Nally

Image: Max Libertine/Unsplash

Image: @elephant.academy

Editor: Catherine Monkman

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