September 11, 2019

The Art of Becoming Lost.


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In one of my darker moments more recently, I found myself attracted to the idea of being lost.

It wasn’t that I wanted to be alone, or afraid, or even confused on how I got to where I was.

I wanted to be lost in my thoughts, away from the noise of society, distant from my reality.

Like many, I thrive off the concept of having a journey. I try to remind myself that it isn’t just about the finish line, or the trophy, but the path you took to get there.

We spend a lot of time “lost” in our daily grind. This is where we continue our routines without much thought, we roll with the motions, and before we know it, our day is over, and off to sleep we go just to wake up and do it all again.

I have a problem with this. I do not want to float through my days without reflection or purpose, I want to acknowledge my days playing a vital role in my journey.

Although most of us must continue these normal daily routines in order to survive financially, it doesn’t mean that we can’t take a moment to ourselves to hear our thoughts, acknowledge reflections, and just feel.

This is where I became so infatuated with being lost, and what that really meant to me.

For me, finding myself surrounded by trees, feeling the warmth of the sun kiss my skin, and breathing in the air of the forest felt like weights lifted off my shoulders. In these moments, I feel as though my mind, so full of thoughts and emotions, can unravel beautifully, leaving me feeling empty of stress and full of gratitude and inner peace.

Allowing myself to—just for a moment—feel lost within nature, has helped my soul feel reconnected and relieved from constantly feeling chained to my routines.

I recently shared with a friend that I felt like a wildflower trapped in a garden bed. This isn’t to say that I don’t find purpose and comfort in the structure of my days, but simply that I yearn for more.

It is important for us as individuals to not only seek our journey, but to truly connect with ourselves in moments away from chaos. If we can find time to hear our thoughts and feel our emotions through soulful experiences, we not only learn how to love ourselves, but love our journey.

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Image: @Ecofolks

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