September 16, 2019

Life is Laughing while Crying, Singing while Screaming & Dancing while Breaking.

Funny, this life.

It has a funny way of knocking us down then giving us a helping hand to get back up.

It has a funny way of putting us in exactly the right moment with exactly the right people, even if we don’t know it at the time.

It has a funny way of demanding that we are present—otherwise, it will teach us a lesson we must learn only when the moment has passed.

It has a funny way of giving us inspiration in the moments that feel the darkest.

It has a funny way of allowing us to laugh when we feel like crying, sing when we feel like screaming, dance when we are breaking.

It has a funny way of giving us moments of unbelievable pleasure, but will also assure we experience unimaginable pain.

It has a funny way of keeping us on our toes, of constantly changing the path we are certain we are meant for just to make sure we teeter on the edge of inevitable uncertainty—and that we eventually find peace with it.

It has a funny way to assure that to find ourself, we must stop searching.

We must live here, we must live now.

We can only change today—and life has a funny way of teaching us this until we finally get it.

Funny, this life.


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Rebecca Sorg  |  Contribution: 3,180

author: Rebecca Sorg

Image: @mitchelada on Instagram

Editor: Kelsey Michal

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