December 8, 2019

For the Quiet, Gentle Women who know that Softness is Strength.

There is no doubt that tough, fearless women who stand strong in their beliefs, take risks, and never let anyone break their hearts are incredible people—even necessary to the evolution of our world.

They quickly capture your attention with their loud voices and opinions. They provoke thought, change, and are fearless in the face of criticism and opposition. That is a beautiful thing.

But it is also a popular way to be in our society, and I think it is easy to forget the profound strength to be found in more gentle qualities that are often too quickly mistaken as weaknesses.

You do not have to be a hard-ass to inspire change and greatness.

You do not have to be rude or indifferent.

You do not have to layer yourself in black leather, thorns, and harshness to be happy or make a difference in the world.

You can, in fact, remain loving and soft.

There is just as much and sometimes more power found in quiet, unwavering kindness as there is in forceful, opinionated roughness. The courage it takes to keep your heart open after being hurt countless times is a far greater feat of strength than it is to become bitter, close yourself off, and hide from life and love at the risk of pain.

I admire the beauty and power of the woman who can find the courage to peel herself open again and again, even while she is still wounded from deep loss. That is real courage.

Pain, after all, is a part of living and it is inevitable, if you’re going to experience love, joy, fulfillment, and all the amazing things life has to offer.

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Christi Rhodes  |  Contribution: 175

author: Christi Rhodes

Image: www.julienj.book.fr / Flickr

Editor: Kelsey Michal

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