Humanity, for the most part, is asleep and has forgotten the essence of who we truly are.
In our quest to experience the play of duality and separation (so that we might truly know Oneness), people have allowed themselves to be hoodwinked by religions and the promise of trinkets, pleasures of the senses, and power for some, at the expense of the many.
Since humanity, guided by patriarchy, has lost touch with heart, feelings, empathy, and compassion, things have descended into a crazy world so far removed from the heaven on Earth that it could be.
Humanity has been behaving like a self-centred adolescent, obsessed with immediate gratification and guided by a neurotic, egotistical mind, which has been made sick through the generations by distorted masculine energy, and disconnected from the feminine heart. And so, the internal moral compass has ceased to function.
But now, we have come to the time of The Great Turning as prophesized by indigenous tribes, mystics, and shamans through the ages. Enough is enough. The tipping point is here and the New World is in the hearts and minds of many who are here on this sacred Earth to facilitate an end to the madness and to usher in the dawning of a new era.
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There are many ways in which this work is being done, and no contribution that arises from a loving heart and mind is greater or more important than another. We all do what we can, but the energy of our contribution is purest and most powerful when it is channelled through our purity, unhindered or distorted by unresolved traumas and lingering shadows within.
This shadow work is the work that we are all called to do—and this is where life has taken me. At first, kicking and screaming, but eventually, willing and surrendered.
When I look back over the 50-year story of my life, I can see clearly how everything led me to the place I arrived at three years ago. With a renewed and deepened commitment to healing and service to the collective, I pledged that I was ready to do whatever was required of me. This was when I began a twin flame journey and the divine feminine energy, manifest and embodied by a beautiful woman, meant that I became a moth to a flame.
I chose the fire of love to purge and purify me so that I could be free once and for all from wandering the too familiar territory of my own internal shadowlands.
After three years of the most beautiful and torturous experiences of my life, our work together was done. She brought me home to my Self, as she was asked to do by Creator, and the alchemy of divine masculine and feminine union within me has been greatly consolidated. I have begun a new chapter in the story of my life and it is clear to me what my contribution to the collective shall be.
I have raised my children for this lifetime. My sons are grown up and have their own lives now, but I know that as the divine union within me deepens and opens doorways that lead to places that I cannot yet comprehend, the energy of my intention and journey clears the way for others to travel this road too. For there are already many who are walking this path—I see them up ahead and behind me into the distance too.
Now that the burden of the trauma that I carried for so long is gone, I am ready to step out into the world with a renewed pledge to contribute what I can to this Great Turning that is underway. This must be underpinned and grown on the foundations of divine union of the masculine and feminine within if it is to be strong and robust enough to build a new world upon.
And so, on the Spring Equinox of 2020, I will begin to walk the 700-mile (1,000-kilometre) pilgrimage Via De La Plata (The Silver Road). It runs from Seville in the south of Spain to Santiago De Compostela in the north. I am calling this adventure The Sacred Masculine, Divine Union Pilgrimage, and it will be my way of consummating my inner marriage.
My intention is that through this inner journey, I will be contributing to the collective balancing and unification of the divine masculine and feminine in the hearts of all men and women.
I have known for a few years now that I would walk The Camino, and now is the right time. I will not walk alone as there will be three of us: me, my Self, and Creator. It feels a bit like another rite of passage and the excitement and fear that I feel are beckoning me.
It is no coincidence that Seville, where my pilgrimage begins, is in Andalusia, the home province of my birth mother who passed over when I was but a babe and that the journey ends in the province of Galicia, where my father now resides. The symbolism of bridging the masculine and feminine feels very sacred to me.
It is time for me to stop talking about walking the path of The Sacred Masculine and to get out there and do it! I know that extraordinary things are possible when we decide to leave the comfort of our lives and venture into the unknown. I will leave you with the words of Jeff Brown who so eloquently expresses what I feel and why I am doing what I do:
“The road to transformation is dependent on a bridge between genders, a benevolent bridge that celebrates our differences with respect and kindness. That work must begin with healing the rifts along the gender continuum, working hard to heal the collective heart until one day we can stand on a bridge across forever, hands held together, hearts open and alight, embracing the sacred masculine and divine feminine living at the heart of us all. I will meet you there.” ~ Jeff Brown
…or I will meet you on the road! Namaste.
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