February 13, 2020

The One Thing I wish my Mom had Told Me.

The one thing I wish my mom had told me before she passed was her battle with anxiety and depression.

We had a close relationship; however, we never talked about our true feelings nor her struggle with anxiety, panic attacks, and depression.

I regret not bringing it up; however, talking about feelings and emotions was taboo when I was growing up. I remember one time on a family drive, tensions were running high and everybody was on edge. I suggested we talk about our feelings, and my mom replied, “No!” The truth is, it’s hard to talk about feelings and emotions, specifically those of anxiety, panic, and depression. I can understand why she wanted to stay silent, and for the longest time I stayed silent too.

But I’ve learned that the more I talk about my own battle with panic attacks, the less scared and alone I feel. The more I open up about these issues, the more likely it will reach someone else who is scared to speak up.

So although I may never know my mother’s story about her battle with anxiety and depression, I know that in some way, she would be proud that I’m sharing my story of similar struggle. For too long, I stayed silent for fear of shame and stigma, but what I found instead was an outpouring of love and support from family, friends, coworkers, and strangers.

If you struggle with anxiety, panic, and/or depression, please do not remain silent. Ask for help. Seek out someone you can talk with.

If you really feel there is no one who will listen, please reach out to me. I will be your support. I will listen without judgment.

Know you are not alone. We are all spiritual beings on a human journey. We are all connected.

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Tara Laval  |  Contribution: 435

author: Tara Laval

Image: amenclinicsphotos ac / Flickr

Editor: Kelsey Michal

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