September 13, 2008

George W. Bush: Protector of (some) Civil Liberties, Hero of (some) Foreign Affairs…& Eco!.

For the 83% of the nation who can’t wait to see President Bush book a one-way to Crawford, here’s 10 things George has done right on Civil Liberties (though I’d argue that letting the Assualt Weapons Ban expire isn’t a brilliant move for the most murderous nation in history). So while we may revile him, remember many of us voted for him—either way, it never hurts to appreciate the gray areas where an historically-awful leader did some wonderful things.

Excerpt: “President Bush has taken a well-deserved flogging on his civil liberties record, but he hasn’t been all bad. Here are ten things the president has done to protect or advance American civil liberties.

Transformed the immigration reform debate.

In 2006, there was a debate within the Republican-dominated Congress over the future of America’s 12 million undocumented immigrants. The response of the House was mass deportation; the response of the Senate was comprehensive reform with a citizenship path. President Bush strongly and openly favored…” For more.
  • Boosting aid to Africa threefold
  • Preventing a nuclear war between India and Pakistan
  • Taking down the A.Q. Khan nuclear proliferation network
  • Getting Libya to give up its weapons of mass destruction programs and renounce terrorism
  • Turning independent-minded India into a strategic ally
  • After a rough start, sticking to a pragmatic China…
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