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March 14, 2020

The Only Defense Our World Needs Against Coronavirus.

I know, the last thing the world needs is another article on coronavirus, but hear me out.

This virus is scary, I won’t deny that. I’m 20 years old, I have a suppressed immune system, and I’m as worried for my health as the next person. But the worst part about this virus is the way in which our world, and especially our country, is choosing to respond to it. The uncontrolled fear, manic levels of paranoia, and widespread panic has caused a complete uprooting of life as we know it. The sheer reaction to this pandemic is creating far more suffering than the actual virus itself.

In a time of desperation and global crisis, our country, our people, and our neighbors, are choosing to slam their doors and simply shut everyone out. There’s this overwhelming survivalist mentality of, “As long as I survive everything is fine,” and “I need to stock up on as much toilet paper as possible, because who cares if people are dying as long as my asshole is clean.” I mean really? Have we gone so far as to lose all sense of concern for our fellow man, at a time when people are desperate for compassion and support more than ever?

I can tell you one thing is for sure, no amount of fear, paranoia, or toilet paper is going to stop this pandemic. The secret to a cure is this: empathy.

Empathy- for the hard-working teacher, the pilot, and all others who have lost their only source of income overnight, for at least a month.

Empathy- for the family of 8, who simply cannot afford to stock-pile food and supplies, while the shelves of local supermarkets and stores are completely barren.

Empathy- for the seniors in high school and college, who have just lost their final sports season, graduation ceremonies, and final moments with the friends and teachers who made their education so special.

And that is only the bare minimum of examples. At a time when everyone across the world is being affected by this outbreak, we must remember this: we are in it together. Nobody’s lives have been untouched by this virus, and that is what unites us, empowers us, and gives us strength to overcome it.

This is the universe saying to the world: Look and see, you are all one nation in this battle, fighting against the exact same enemy. This is the universe saying: You are all affected by this regardless of age, gender, race, culture, or social status, and because of that you are all connected. This is the universe sending us the message: It is time to put your differences aside and open your hearts to your fellow man, because only love will win out.

We are being called to open our hearts, reach out our hands, and come together as a community, as a nation, and as a world like never before. In our modern-day, egotistical society that is riddled with hatred, and feels out of touch with the values of humanity- this is our call to action.

Let me remind you, fear, paranoia, and selfishness have never won in the face of hardship, and that is certainly not going to change today.

We as humans are way better than how we’ve chosen to react. We’ve simply forgotten that we are all one, and that love for our fellow man means love for all, and that above all else, love and empathy are our best defenses against this pandemic.

My plea to you all is to practice empathy as much as possible in the midst of this chaos. We are all struggling as a result of the changes in our world, no matter how big or small our individual battles may seem. Think about how this pandemic is affecting those around you, and how you can take action to make a difference.

The first thing to do is stay home as much as you are able and limit travel and social interactions, because that’s how we can prevent spread and protect our communities. Make small changes to your daily routine, like running outside instead of hitting the gym, or skipping out on church service and worshiping from home. Actively support local small businesses, donate to food banks, clinics, or shelters, and call your neighbors. Remember that although you may only be struggling in one aspect, this virus is leaving no stone unturned. It is affecting people financially, physically, and emotionally in an unprecedented and incomprehensible way.

In a time of crisis, we NEED each other, now more than ever before.

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