March 27, 2020

Mindful Things to Binge Instead of Netflix.


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A quote to change how you wake up, every morning:

“The Navajo teach their children that every morning when the sun comes up, it’s a brand-new sun. It’s born each morning, it lives for the duration of one day, and in the evening it passes on, never to return again. As soon as the children are old enough to understand, the adults take them out at dawn and they say, ‘The sun has only one day. You must live this day in a good way, so that the sun won’t have wasted precious time.’ Acknowledging the preciousness of each day is a good way to live, a good way to reconnect with our basic joy.” ~ Pema Chödrön

Listen to Waylon read the quote aloud to nearly 3,000 good humans in our Elephant Community:

>> Join Waylon for a free training, this Friday. <<

Elephant’s Week 1 Worldwide Gathering: What if it took Solitude to bring our World Together?

Dear Mindful Community,⁠⁠

This morning, 2,750 of you joined me, live, on video, from all over the world. Brazil. United Kingdom. Egypt. Even Florida.

That was so joyful to see and feel. Hope you found joy in this community, in the meditation and tonglen.

If you didn’t make it live, you can watch it below:

If you did join, how was it? And where in the world are you?⁠ ⁠

Everyone’s suddenly doing webinars. We’re spending more time online than ever. But if all we do during this Coronavirus time is find a new way to create busy, we’ll have lost this once-in-a-lifetime chance to connect through boredom and busyness into our hearts, into active empathy, active love, into making a real change.

You can do it.⁠

In that spirit, next Friday’s contemplative writing exercise is not about more. It’s about heart, community, joy. Now is the time for our world to connect, gather, and figure a way forward, together, so we can live every day from our good heart. You can join us here.

Elephant’s Week 2 Worldwide Gathering: The Fourth Kind of Love is what our World needs Now.

Dear Mindful Community,⁠⁠

Thanks, you, for joining. Nearly 4,000 of you, from all over our globe…offering up your specificity, your voice, your cathartic empathy and active, not passive love in service.

We’ll do it again next Friday, and the Friday after that, and if it continues to be inspiring and fun and Four Kinds of Loveful for you all, maybe we’ll continue.

If you didn’t make it to our gathering live, you can watch the replay below:

Elephant’s Week 3 Worldwide Gathering: Let it be, let it be. Busyness is laziness. My favorite poem. ~ Waylon

Dear Mindful Community,⁠⁠

Thanks, you, for joining. May we use that hour to invest in good loneliness, ugly letting go, less busyness and laziness, and, yes: love in service.

Don’t forget to read my favorite poem—it’s timely, now.

We’ll do it again next Friday, and if it continues to be inspiring and fun and if you invite one loved one, and it continues to grow and be of service, we’ll continue to offer this part of Elephant Academy, free.

If you didn’t make it to our gathering live, you can watch the replay below:

Elephant’s Week 4 Worldwide Gathering: How to use this f*cking quarantine to change your life & our fragile world for the better, for good.

Dear Mindful Community,⁠⁠

Thank you for joining us again, or for the first time, this week.

Invite a friend so we can get to 6,000 next week: elephantjournal.com/gathering (If we do, we’ll continue!)

And, a reminder: the discount below won’t last. It’s break-even for us to be able to pay our team, which they deserve. So jump in, and enjoy Elephant Academy at well off what it’s ever been offered.

Join the Elephant Academy community, learn, expand, grow—and get ready for what’s next in this wild, sweet, hard world of ours.

If you didn’t make it to our gathering live, you can watch the replay below:

If you’re inspired to go all the way, and join the Elephant Academy community and get all the lessons therein, it’s far more affordable than it’s ever been, or ever will be again, right now, for now.⁠⁠

I’m offering 60% off an already affordable program, because now is for going deeper. Use code: WRITINGCLUB

Elephant’s Week 5 Worldwide Gathering: How to Show Up for your Sweet Self.

Dear Elephant Community,⁠⁠

Thank you for showing up—for me, for yourself, for one another.

If so inspired, text or DM a friend so we can get to 6,000 good humans, next week: elephantjournal.com/gathering (If we continue to grow and those registered continue to show up, it’ll be hard to stop what was meant to be a one month offering). ~ Waylon

If you didn’t make it to our gathering live, you can watch the replay below:

If you’re inspired to go all the way, and join the Elephant Academy community and get all the lessons therein, it’s far more affordable than it’s ever been, or ever will be again, right now, for now.⁠⁠

I’m offering 60% off an already affordable program, because now is for going deeper. Use code: WRITINGCLUB

Elephant’s Week 6 Worldwide Gathering: The Root of Overwhelm. 

Dear Elephriends,

Thank you for showing up—we’re doing this for free, and it costs us time and effort and real money—so your showing up in the midst of your life makes it all make sense.

If so inspired, text or DM a friend so we can get to 7,000 good humans, next week: elephantjournal.com/gathering (I see this growing to 10s of 1000s of us).

If you didn’t join us live, you can watch the replay right here:

Unhappy Earth Day! How to make it Happy.

Yours in the Vision of Enlightened Society,

Waylon Lewis
Editor-in-Chief, Elephant Journal

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author: Waylon Lewis

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