April 12, 2020

How to turn Quarantine into a Disciplined Ritual.

Check out Elephant’s Continually-updating Coronavirus Diary. ~ Waylon


You see, I’m Queen of Quarantine.

My life has been insular and magical, because I can never get enough of being home.

I love my own space and silence; I love doing what I want and when I want; I am allergic to another human bossing me around; and, of course, because I chose and claimed a location-independent business and a healthy distancing from distractions. It’s how I keep to my focused soul goals without falling prey to society’s scintillation.

So…I share all I’ve learnt about being in (sane) charge of your time and day.

Make your bed.

This is a military technique that starts your day crisply. It also seals the night and sets you off in precise order.

Shower head to toe.

Preferably. But neck to toe is fine, too.

A quick one and not a hot one. Let it be a shocker so you’re up and revving.

Once done, get dressed like you are showing up for yourself. This is overlooked.

Staying in the clothes you’ve slept in is drab and dragging. Change the energy.

Whatever it is you’re gonna wear—whether it’s lounge wear, sportswear, or outdoor wear—wear it with the intent to look good and feel good for yourself. Stop moping around like a lazy, dirty hippie.

And…if you want to turn this into a morning spark spa session, scrub yourself with salts, bicarbonate of soda, and coconut oil. I mean scrub, mama. Get that blood going, that skin polished, and those cells awakened.

Choose an action that puts blood in your brain.

Get creative here.

Hang upside down. Stand on your head. Hit a Down Dog.

You just need five minutes—but, boy, it will change the course of your day.

Drink hot water, then have an incredible, nutrition-rich b’fast.

Preferably no poisons here—s’il vous plait—and eat like you flippin’ love and honour yourself, your body, your health, the state of your mind.

Yes, what you put in your gut has a say on your serotonin levels, so better boss up and start getting intimate with your human operating system and your woman operating system, too. Understand whether you are treating the body like a dumpster just because your unpolished palate is craving for more crap or you are boss and you dictate.

Declutter your space in a jiffy.

Make it quick.

A 10-minute miracle run-around. Unless the focus of the day is to deep clean all the rooms of your home, then keep it short and sweet.

Really and truly, this should be number one:

Your day starts from the night before, so if you’re watching Coronavirus news in bed, then babe, please expect your subconscious to be marinating in that all night, and unless you’re a doctor and you’re attempting to find a rapid cure and you’re using the subconscious marinating technique to assist you, then kindly don’t do this before bedtime. 

Have an idea of the next day’s focus before sleep time, too, and remember that 98 percent use their brain potential to fluff themselves over and 2 percent use their humanness and intellect and soul focus to create abundance, freedom, health, and profit.

Get into a habitual strategy.

One that contains tools and techniques, with spiritual, quantum, and human steps in place to bring you back into focus and away from mental drama.

EFT, yoga, pranayama, more yoga, journal, jog, bicep curl your water bottles, bench press your TV table, meditate until an old layer of you melts away and you can go by the day in a new format.

I could go on—but you get the gist.

Yes, by all means, feel what you have to feel—fear, anger, empathy, more anger, more fear, more sadness.

Acknowledging and accepting, but then use the tools to release them and to help you get over yourself and those emotions—unless you want them to boss you around all day.

Oh, and by strategy I mean steps that you repeatedly do every single day until they become a habitual ritual. Thing is, you can have all the ingredients to heal and to elevate yourself, but unless you give it heat, the cake ain’t rising.

Heat as in repetition until it’s coming out of your pores. Until you don’t even need to think about it.

Yes, I know this is temporary—but you never know, it might actually change your life and you can start a new chapter once this storm is over.

So, yeah, no surface-level stuff.

Fix a plan and stick to it daily for 21 days whilst the world heals.

Keep your eyes on the prize.

Just because mama earth has asked us to go back inside and pick up all our toys until she regains full strength doesn’t mean we mope and sulk and lose our rhythm. We need to still have that life plan.

The prize. The mission.

Why you’re here. What you’re meant to do.

You’re gonna get much clearer during this time of silence. Now, hopefully the prize—aka focusis a life of freedom, richness, abundance, sexiness, physical and mental health, spirituality, wealth, more health, more wealth, doing exactly what you came here to do, utilizing your highest human and soul potential, and going for what you love, value, and honour. (Here’s my BS, sugar, and fluff-free guide: Change your Life – A Bullsh*t Free Guide.)

Get your juices flowing.

Eat well, hydrate well throughout the day. Creativity, life force, blood, lymph, water.

Fix an appointment with yourself for exercise, spiritual practise, and mind-body tending—and show up. Stop breaking your own promises and do what you say you’ll do, or your third chakra is gonna turn into an effin’ shade of charcoal. Your belly is gonna be full of broken promises, BS, unprocessed food, unfinished biz, and acid.

Yes, this baby gets blocked, and you’re getting fat, unmotivated, fatigued, fed up, powerless with no fire to process life.

Be productive.

Especially if you’re not used to it, this has to be a priority. With all the steps that I gave you, your creative juices will be flowing—but I will highlight it.

Do stuff, paint the house, repot your plants, write a life and biz plan, clean that kitchen, dump your unwanted crap, read books, reinvent your body, reinvent your timeline, write a letter to your old self, go ’round your home and say thank you for everything you own. Everything. Shave your legs. Do something and contribute to life.


First you support yourself. Stay safe and use your intuition, instinct, intellect, and common sense. You have to define your own self and life before you offer help—and when you do, stay clear of infinite dramatic conversations.

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Janet Vella  |  Contribution: 135

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