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April 12, 2020

Third Party Candidate, Please Rise Up and Win

It is time for a third-party candidate to rise up and win our next 2020 election.

George Washington was the only President elected as an independent.  Since then, never in the history of the United States of America has a candidate who does not brand themselves as a Democrat or Republican won our leadership.

This is it.  This is the time.
This pandemic and huge shift in cultural consciousness, that will continue having reverberating affects for months and years to come even after we’ve reached the peak of the crisis, is providing a window for an underdog to rise up.

We need a leader of epic heart and soul to step up and lead with integrity, care, and stamina like we’ve never seen before.
The United States is long overdue for our Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, or Gandhi.  Wherever you are dear leader, it is your time.  Please come forth.

The system we have now is failing and dying.  It’s old and archaic and the freshening up and bandaid-ing we’ve been doing for so long simply no longer even remotely comes close to meeting the world’s needs.  It’s hurting our people, our plants, our animals, our planet, and possibly beyond into our solar system and galaxy.

We need a complete overhaul – a throwing out of old systems that have become toxic, burdensome, and decaying.  We need not just a modification of the old way, but a re-birth into something completely new.

Neither presidential option we currently have in our two party system is capable of the rapid change to our environment, economic system, and societal structure that the world is calling out for.  Phenomenal leadership is needed to assist us in transitioning and evolving into a new way of living, interaction, working, and thriving.

We need someone to rise up who understand what it means and can embody the divine feminine AND the wise masculine.  We need a human who is boldly compassionate, amazingly intelligent, and determinedly fierce.  We need someone who can lead us and care for all people with conviction, strength, and integrity.  We need a leader who feels their emotions – weeping when they feel sad and celebrating when they are joyful.  We need a human to rise up who is so majestically passionate about the practical, mental, and spiritual evolution of humanity that their energy is magnetically expansive and we all rise up together as an energized collective.

We are at a crossroads that no one currently living has seen before. Who can rise up and lead us with the high vibration and brilliance to navigate this change wisely.

You, dear next leader, are being called in for duty.  You are ready.  You were born for this.  Please have faith in yourself and trust it is time to show yourself.  Revealing yourself and the transition to leadership may be challenging and rocky at times, because many people have a hard time with change, but the majority of us are ready for you.  We are burnt out with the old way and you will help bring about our breath of fresh air and sigh of relief.

And to you, dear reader, we can also rise up and be this leader in our own families, in our communities, in our work place, in our town or city, in our state, and on the national level.  We are all one and we can do our part to make space and opportunity for this new leadership to rise.  We can trust our intuition and know we cannot go back now.  We are ready.

This is the beginning of a new time, a new relationship to create, a new system of politics, a new economic structure, and new way of civilization.  We stand strong and stand firm to welcome in our next true soul leader.  It is time.  We are ready.

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