May 3, 2020

To you, who I truly loved & will love Forever.


There are few people in our life that we feel we have a true soul connection with.

I was fortunate that one of those people was my mother.

She has recently passed.

However, an invisible connection is still there, a connection that was formed when the umbilical cord bound us together; a connection that is firmly engraved in my soul. The following poem stemmed from that undeniable, deep-rooted love between us.

I woke up one sunny morning, full of promise, and these words flowed from the depths of my heart.


A Poem for my Soul 

Sometimes I have to hug myself
and hold my hand.
Sometimes when the pain is too deep,
I float in another land.

Sometimes I call your name,
even when there is no reply.
Sometimes I have to force a smile,
although I would rather cry.

Sometimes it’s all there is,
but nothing left for me.
Sometimes I wish I was under
that sky, that sun, that tree.

Sometimes I walk green steps,
hoping they will grow inside.
Sometimes the wind sweeps away
all my worries and my pride.

Sometimes my hand is light,
my thoughts breezy and sweet,
Sometimes you are there,
I’m running toward you,
ground hardly touching my feet.

Sometimes I almost touch you,
but you are not there.
Sometimes my world is so small,
all I want is for you to be here.

Is that too much to wish for? For all I want is for you to be here. 



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Maja Sreckovic  |  Contribution: 4,785

author: Maja Sreckovic

Image: Hernán Piñera/flickr

Editor: Sukriti Chopra

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