April 17, 2020

We Need to Trust there is some Higher Wisdom in these Tragedies.


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*Editor’s Note: Elephant Journal articles represent the personal views of the authors, and can not possibly reflect Elephant Journal as a whole. We understand everyone is in different situations during this crises, and not tragedy is just tragedy for some. Disagree with an Op-Ed or opinion? We’re happy to share your experience here.


Elephant’s Continually-updating Coronavirus Diary. ~ Waylon


We need to trust. I repeat these words every day in my prayers.

I repeat: I trust the process. I trust the universe.

It is all that’s left when in total despair.

We are locked down. We have never seen anything like this before.

But we need to trust that this is the chance to meet ourselves the way we’ve never met before.

We might be losing jobs, businesses, and money, but we need to trust that we will be given a chance to create something even better.

Public services are overworked, not sleeping, exhausted helping the ill, but we need to trust they are receiving our prayers and gratitude and help.

People are dying, many of them without their closest ones around. There is so much suffering and unfairness in the world now.

But we need to trust there is some higher wisdom in these tragedies, and bow down in the face of death as we have no influence on that.

We feel lack of security. Hopes, everything we believed in, are falling into pieces. And we need to trust that although we don’t see clearly now, deep inside we know it’s meant to be that way just now.

Everything is falling apart. There is no one to look up to. But we need to trust there is a bigger picture to all that. And it will all make sense at the end.

The world got turned off. The unknown is our guide now. And we need to trust the silent voice that is underneath the screaming anxiety and is unshakable in the face of terror. This voice says, “We need to trust.”

We’re all in it together. We are changing. The planet is changing.

On the other side of grief we will find hope and strength.

It’s our chance to turn the crisis into opportunity.

The people who joined me in these prayers are from all over the world.

Join us, too.


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Riya Sokol  |  Contribution: 825

author: Riya Sokol

Image: @riya_sokol_official/Instagram

Editor: Marisa Zocco

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