April 19, 2020

8 Ways to Save Money & Practice Mindfulness during Quarantine.


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Relephant read: Elephant’s Continually updated Coronavirus Diary. ~ Waylon

This pandemic has created an excess of time in our lives; time to reflect, observe, and practice new and old ways of being.

“We cannot solve our problems using the same thinking we used when we created them.” ~ (maybe) Albert Einstein

With quarantine in full swing and many of us out of work, we are considering adapting our lifestyles to incorporate more quality interactions and mindful practices; from washing our hands to catching up with friends we haven’t talked to in years.

This opportunity usually arises individually during a midlife crisis or a time of personal revelation—but rarely is it a collective experience. This is a unique period in history that will change the way we live in the 21st century.

The question many of us are asking right now is, how can I accomplish my goals without money as my primary resource? This is a question that travelers, minimalists, and entrepreneurs ponder on a daily basis, but often does not make it outside of those arenas and into the public eye.

Regardless of our social status, we all want more freedom and less restrictions on our time and finances but, we feel stuck. Somewhere along the way we lost that childlike wonder that allowed us to create almost effortlessly. Our lack mindset prevents us from tapping into our creativity and instead of finding solutions we get stranded in negative thought patterns.

It’s also tempting to outsource instead of creating what we need. We could be afraid of failure or accustomed to convenience. However, if we can let go of our reservations we can tap into that childlike creativity with the wisdom of an adult and knowledge of resources.

My humble childhood taught me quite a few things; that you can fill a pie crust with anything your heart desires, fun is free, and creativity is your best friend. Now is the time to reflect and journal on what we really desire for our lives.

Here are eight ways we can save money and practice mindfulness:

1.  Start a container garden or build a garden bed and plant seasonal vegetables.

2. Wash your jars and reuse them for spices and food containers.

3. Skip a trip to the store and look up ingredient substitutions instead.

4. Make a list of hobbies you want to pick up and start.

5. Choose a book and connect with your friends to make a virtual book club.

6. Make a vision board! If you do not have old magazines you can make one on DreamItAlive.

7. Research everything your heart desires! Search for scholarships for the programs you’ve put on hold because of finances.

8. Reference the Buyerarchy of Needs by Sarah Lazarovic for ideas on reducing expenses.

We create abundance by using what we have, borrowing what we need, and creating what we want.

For freedom is not found through the obtaining of resources but the creation of opportunity. We have forgotten this as a culture and it is time to find freedom again. Less really is more.

We are waking up to the truth that we need less and this quarantine is challenging us to do just that—to find balance in our indulgences to make time for what is important.



More Relephant Reads: 

How to Enjoy Life Amidst the Coronavirus Fear: Your Go-To Guide from Books to Podcasts & Wellness Practices.
What the Coronavirus is Teaching Me: 5 Lessons from Uncertain Times.
The Artist’s Stay-at-Home & Stay Sane Guide.
10 Simple Ways to Boost your Immunity without Leaving the House.

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Rachel Mitton  |  Contribution: 1,995

author: Rachel Mitton

Image: sarahlazarovic / Instagram

Editor: Julie Balsiger

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