April 24, 2020

Everything Around Us has Come to a Stop—so Why Haven’t We?

Elephant’s Continually updating Coronavirus Diary. ~ Waylon


There is chaos everywhere.

It seems like there is no escaping it.

Despite everything around us seeming to shut down, we somehow have convinced ourselves that we must maintain our normal pace.

Well, enjoy an exhale of relief—because the truth is we don’t have to keep up with our former “normal” when we are in the midst of establishing a new one.

No more eating out. No more big group gatherings. No more hanging out. No more movie theaters. No more of the things we once did for fun or just because we wanted to. Our environments have drastically changed and been put to a halt.

So, if everything around us has come to a stop, why haven’t we?

Imagine if we just stopped mid-walk. Imagine if we stopped mid-inhale just before exhaling. Imagine if we looked up mid-typing a text message. Imagine if we stopped mid-chew.

Did you notice the bloom in flowers or hear the chirping of the small birds in the nest in the tree beside you? Could you feel your heartbeat? Were you able to hear the ambulance siren and last-minute slamming of car brakes? Did you taste that thin layer of Dijon mustard on that oven-roasted turkey sandwich with a hint of pepper on it? Were you able to just be present in those moments?

I challenge you and myself to just be.

Find the joy in just sitting and doing nothing and taking in what is going on in your immediate surroundings. Take the time to appreciate where you are at and what you have in the moment.

I’ve learned more than ever that the present is one of the biggest gifts we could have. Capitalize on this gift, the present, that we still have—and simply just be.

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Reginé Bumper  |  Contribution: 145

author: Reginé Bumper

Image: Gordon / Flickr

Editor: Kelsey Michal

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