April 24, 2020

Dear Coronavirus: We know we Need to Trust.

Elephant’s Continually-updating Coronavirus Diary. ~ Waylon


The ability to find gratitude and humbleness in the midst of this crisis is challenging.

Yet it’s something that helps us go through it.

Trust the process. Remember it’s happening for you, not to you.

It is you who have influence on your perception. You can feel the pain, and still trust in a bigger picture and the wisdom of our planet, of the universe, and keep praying.

I trust. We trust.
It will be alright.

After my video-poem, “Thank you, coronavirus” went viral, I invited my community to take part in my music video with a prayer “we need to trust.”

It ended up having people from almost 50 countries repeating or holding signs with the powerful “we need to trust” statement.

Thank you all from:

India, UK, Poland, USA, Australia, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Jordan, Lebanon, Chile, Brasil, Israel, France, Canada, China, New Zealand, Peru, Cyprus, Turkey, Hawaii, Argentina, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Phillipines, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Colombia, Iran, Netherlands, Russia, Syria, Tahiti, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, Tunisia, Argentina, Costa Rica, Italy, Turkey, Guatemala, Hungary. 


We need to trust trust trust
Its all up to us us us
We need to come together now
And send our prayers to the ones

Who need it most most most
Fighting for lives lives lives
Losing their families and hopes
We need to send out prayers out

And we need to trust
And lift each other up
Everything will be alright
Nothing’s left to be done
But to trust

And lift each other up
Everything will be alright
Nothing’s left to be done
But to trust

You can feel the fear
We’ll support you my dear
And then you’ll be there for me
When I feel anxiety

We see all the pain
People trying to understand
What is happening to the world
But it’s nothing to be done

But now we just trust trust trust
It’s all up to us us us
We need to come together now
And send our prayers to the ones

Who need it most most most
Fighting for lives lives lives
Losing their families and hopes
We need to send out prayers out

And we need to trust
And lift each other up
Everything will be alright
Nothing’s left to be done
But to trust

And lift each other up
Everything will be alright
Nothing’s left to be done
But to trust

We will meet again
I promise you my friend
We will walk out on the street
We will dance
We will sing
We will touch again
I promise you my friend
I will hold you close to me
We will dance
We will sing

But to trust trust trust

Watch it here:



By watching this video you’re supporting charities providing aid with COVID-19 as the money from the views will donated to them.


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Riya Sokol  |  Contribution: 825

author: Riya Sokol

Image: Author's own

Editor: Naomi Boshari

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