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May 7, 2020

Invest in yourself!

Invest in yourself! After many weeks in quarantine I have now touched on the bright side of this, which is plenty of time for studies. The shining light of knowledge makes everything sane, bright and hopeful. This feels like an opportunity to work on ourselves a little bit, retrieving our inner power and restructuring out of date perceptions. Instead of supporting the pharmaceutical industry, let’s support the amazing human immune system. Instead of eating rubbish/comfort food to numb out the disturbing media drama and the voice of the Soul, let’s care for ourselves better so we can heal the hidden wounds and start to feel hunger for life again. Instead of resonating with the unhelpful energies of fear, worries and concerns, let’s concentrate on rediscovering the Divine spark in the heart and open to trust, Love and faith. Yep, for some of us significant transformation is out of our comfort zone and not easy, but ‘nothing worthwhile comes easy’! Personally I believe it’s the only thing that makes sense these days in order to stay healthy in the mind, body and Soul! Invest in yourself! Love to all in all directions! Keep practicing with me online!??????????????

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