May 22, 2020

This is Why we Need to be Warriors Against Self-Sabotage.

Many of us have felt something like there is something wrong with us, but we don’t know what it is. 

We know we want to change something. We need to do something, but keep going in circles. We end up pretty much where we started off.

Finally, giving up, we say, “Okay, that’s enough.” We become so broken that we finally let go of our struggle. Frayed and weakened, we finally release the inhibitions of what others have been telling us we need to do. We decide to just be.

We begin being our most vulnerable and honest self. We start shining like the golden children we have always been.

Only then, when we start believing in our dreams and trusting ourselves, can we find our true spark. It is ignited from within our whispers of bliss, from that place that chimes in to our desires. Sometimes we forget this in the matrix of our monkey brains. 

We were always conscious and collected what others wanted while we were stuck on the treadmill of conditioning and triggering. We thought we had to fulfill the dreams of others. 

For a season, we forgot ours; we lost a part of our true self. It has been hiding deep inside of us while we faded into a void—while we were someone else’s muse. 

By separating ourselves, stepping into the fire, we are reborn and awakened; we shine brighter and stronger.

There will be people who don’t understand us and are uncomfortable with who we are becoming. They liked the way we were. At times, it may even feel more comfortable to go back to those old ways. To the paths of others. Paths we have already walked and convinced ourselves felt like home. But we know we were not happy there.

We may feel afraid of losing out while we’re not following the paths of others. We will think about how and where others have succeeded, but we must step into our own path. It’s time to cross our own bridges to the other side of the unknown and find our own bliss.

I know from experience. I was afraid of missing out, spending too much time and money on the wrong things. I would pick up the cheaper thing, the thing I thought I should get, and then go back the next week to buy what I wanted anyway. Often when I did go back, deciding to get it, it was gone—I missed out on the chance to have what I really wanted. I have done this countless times. Have you done that?

We have to start finding our own voice and dreams in order to thrive in bliss.

We illuminate others as we become a stronger light for ourselves.

We heal ourselves by being our own self-sabotage warriors.

Listening to our internal GPS and igniting our own fire. This is how we flourish.

We are glowing embers. Sometimes we are smoldering and other times roaring, but we are on fire. Especially as we gather and release into our dreams 

During the COVID-19 outbreak, many of us have felt disconnected from those we love and even ourselves. Life has been funny, scary, and it has given us a lot of time to do things we like. For me, it’s writing, gardening, meditating, and calling friends. 

Hold onto that fire inside. We may feel like the embers are burning out and don’t know how to get the energy to begin again, but we all have it inside of ourselves.

We have survived (and will survive) during this season of the unknown. We are the self-sabotage warriors.

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Kalina Bains  |  Contribution: 1,520

author: Kalina Bains

Image: calicadoo/unsplash

Editor: Kate Force

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