May 27, 2020

This Moment is happening For Us—yes, even in the Tragedy & Uncertainty.


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In these uncertain times, what may feel like tragedy is actually here to teach us.

It sets us off on our path, and helps us find and connect with what matters most—our true self and our purpose in life.

Six years ago, I decided to move to Europe again—a rushed decision to pursue a relationship with a man I had met seven years earlier in Brazil, where we’d had the most incredible instant connection and summer fling. 

After our fling, he’d gone back to the United Kingdom and I embarked on a deep self-discovery journey around the world, during which I started a long-term relationship with someone else. When that relationship ended, we got in touch again and the sparks resurfaced instantly. 

It was settled, I would go meet him in Europe and we would finally try things out.

Within a week of being with him, it was more than obvious that it wasn’t meant to be between us. I was there, I was eager, and yet, he wasn’t. 

My dreams and plans were shattered, and I saw myself alone, with all my belongings, not knowing what to do, where to go, or what would happen with my life. 

I felt so lost. I was distraught.

Not letting fear and heartbreak overpower me, I traveled through Italy by myself. By the end of those tear-filled and painful three weeks, I had to make a decision: “What am I going to do now?” I had no money, no place to stay, and nobody to go to for support. 

Barcelona crossed my mind, and two days later, I moved there and found the worst job I’ve had in my life. That led me to be headhunted for a great job that later offered me the possibility of working remotely And without this, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to be with my dad during his last few months with us while he was battling terminal cancer, in the United States.

Without my deep grief for my dad’s battle and his passing, I wouldn’t have been called to start kitesurfing as a way to overcome depression and connect with deeper states of flow. And without kitesurfing and the freedom of movement I had with my job, I wouldn’t have gone to South Africa. 

In this country, I met another kitesurfer who, after speaking with me for an hour and hearing how passionate I was about personal and spiritual development, offered me a ticket to Tony Robbins’ event in London. An event that propelled my journey toward pursuing my dream of becoming a life coach.

That journey then led me to Bali, where I went through an extremely intense and deep spiritual awakening, opening up the doors to a whole new realm, leading me into completing a 10-day Vipassana retreat in Hong Kong, and taking me through the biggest transformation of my life.

Thanks to all of these important pieces, and many many more, I reached levels of personal freedom I didn’t know existed, and I’m now completely connected with myself, my passion, and my purpose in life.

Can you see how every little thing you do or go through in life plays an important role in supporting you to become who you were born to be?

While times like these can bring up fear, pain, anxiety, and frustration, you need to trust that there’s a purpose behind it and know with certainty that through your darkest tunnels you will find your brightest light. 

This moment, as well as every single event in your life, is happening for you. It’s an important turning point in your path, put here to help you grow and open new doors to infinite new possibilities you have never dreamed of before. 

It’s here to help you wake up, expand your consciousness, and discover deeper levels of peace, love, and compassion. 

Learn how to adapt to uncertainty and the ever-changing seasons in your journey. To the highs, the lows, the pain, the joy, the light, the dark, the yin, the yang. They will guide you and teach you how to come back to your true, authentic self. 

My dad taught me to see the good in everything that happened to me, and that has transformed my life for the last 11 years. No matter how hard something has been, I’ve always asked myself: “What is the purpose of this? What is it teaching me? What can I create with it?”

Ask yourself these questions now, and see the magic that you start calling into your life.

Don’t let your head keep you in the small picture. Let your heart guide you and show you the big one. When you step into the unknown with love and arms wide open, you let life surprise you in unimaginable ways. 

And, remember…it is in uncertainty that we become open to possibility. 

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Francesca Perotti  |  Contribution: 320

author: Francesca Perotti

Image: Author's Own

Editor: Catherine Monkman

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