May 27, 2020

Bucket List Alert: 5 of the Most Gorgeous & Eco-Friendly Cities in the World.

Most people in the world live in cities, but they are not all equally sustainable.

When we discuss sustainability, we’re talking about environmental, financial, and social factors that make a city more stable and lead to a greener, happier place. These factors include public transportation, opportunities, energy use, emissions, pollution, and economic performance.

So, when evaluated with all of these considerations in mind, what are the world’s greenest cities?

Here is the list:

1. Frankfurt, Germany

Frankfurt is the fifth-largest city in Germany, a country with many sustainable cities. One of the things that make Frankfurt stand out is its metropolitan forest. This city forest has approximately 5,000 hectares. The city has managed to balance the growing demands for economic growth and environmental standards. They have installed many charging stations for electric vehicles, have worked to minimize water waste, and have bicycle-friendly roadways.

2. Singapore

Singapore is the second-most densely populated city in the entire world. This city has heavy economic demands for business and transport. These factors may lead other cities to problems with their environment, but Singapore has dedicated nearly 30 percent of its territory to green areas. With a healthy economy and a careful eye on environmental factors, this city is one of the most sustainable around.

3. São Paulo, Brazil

São Paulo has its eye on a sustainable urban future. This city is bustling and has big needs, but it is also one of the most significant renewable energy users. They have big green areas and are known for regularly holding global and local conferences where leaders discuss strategies for greener cities.

4. Amsterdam, Netherlands

This beautiful city is famous for biking. The residents here ride their bicycles everywhere. Their public transportation system also includes fun touches like boats around the city’s waterways.

5. Oslo, Norway

Oslo won the title of European Green Capital in 2019. This city is surrounded by the Marka Forest, a heavily protected land. There are waterways around the city, and Oslo has many restrictions to keep the pollution levels low. Oslo airport is one of the greenest airports in the world. Their new terminal building collects snow during the cold winter months and stores it to cool the building in the summer.

In recent decades, Oslo has undergone a lot of construction, with an eye on the future for sustainability. City officials have encouraged the closing of car parks. They continue to move city planning toward bicycle paths and public transportation, focusing on car-free living in their city as a natural and acceptable choice.

When choosing to travel it’s important to keep sustainability in mind. These are the five places I would feel good about visiting.

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Steve Farzam  |  Contribution: 310

author: Steve Farzam

Image: Paul Fernandez/Unsplash

Editor: Kate Force

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