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May 30, 2020

Five things to do if you’re considering to get back with your ex

So, you’re reconsidering your previous relationship, eh? That’s good! But, do you really think it’s going to be that easy? Well, let me give you a reality check. Here’s the thing, it could have been months or years since you guys broke up and a lot of changes would have happened. He or She might have changed as a person, they might have evolved into a better human being, they might have grown more stronger mentally or whatsoever. You don’t know what are the changes the person went through therefore, I’m here to help you debug the entire process of “earning” back your EX. Here are the five simple ways you can actually consider to the way back to your ex:


  • Is your ex still interested in you?


How many months has it been since you’ve talked to your ex? Probably a lot, so what are you supposed to do now? Gather all the courage together, and try texting her/him simple things like ‘hi,how have you been’, ‘what are you upto these days’ and maybe even ‘how’s life?’. Do not expect the opposite person to be nice to you because, maybe you were an a**hole when you left them, they might not be polite to you which clearly means there’s going to be a lot of effort. But, if they’re being as casual as you are, there are two things that can happen in this scenario; one is either they are over you and dating someone else happily or they are over you but just simply forgave you, second possibility is that he/she might be still figuring out to get over you or is still in love with you head over heels. In all these scenarios, one thing you’ve gotta do is figure out whether he/she is still interested in you. Maybe start communicating again, text them first and slowly take it to calls and just keep getting to know them all over again.



  • Recollect all her favourite things!


If the first step worked for you, “hurray!” you’ve crossed your first mile stone. But here’s the next one: while you’re communicating with them, you might have observed few changes in their behaviour, thought process and other things. Here’s what you’ve gotta do; recall all their favourite things like colour, movie, song, hobby and even favourite pastime in fact, everything you could. While you’re on a call with them or continuously texting them try talking about these things because, this will make them feel that you still care. If you get a reply saying “oh! You still remember?” then “YAYIE!” the second mile stone crossed now, let’s move on to the next one.   



  • Recollect all the important dates of your relationship!


Do you still remember the first time you told your partner you love them? If you do then yayie, you’re half way but, there’s another half and let me decode it for you. Recollect all the important dates like the time you asked for a relationship, or even the day he/she said yes, the first date, the first time you met, first time you told them you miss them genuinely. Why so much effort, you ask? Because, weren’t you the one to nothnot them back while they were walking out? Maybe if you still held on to them things would have been different; but it’s okay, you’re gonna earn your girl/guy back but, only if you’re willing to put in the effort. Try recollecting the most emotional moments, conversations and everything that meant something more valuable. If you could do this then hey, you’ve successfully reached your third milestone.


  • Talk to the BEST FRIENDS!

Up for the next one? You’re 60% to the way back to your ex’s heart, let’s get this one and move a step closer to the last one. Anybody would obviously mention their best friend’s names a million times, your ex might have too. So, all you’ve gotta do is talk to the best friends, maybe at least one so that you can know the story that you weren’t a part of. Basically, the time you weren’t together, to be precise the after break-up period, people don’t really open up to you about what they went through during the after break-up period, you don’t really have an idea of how much of pain they’ve gone through, how many sleepless nights they’ve had, how many anxiety attacks they faced, how many dreams they’ve had where they’ve literally felt your presence; you don’t know any of that. So, in order to know what it was like for them, contacting their best friend is the only way you could figure it out. Try getting to know the details not just to impress your ex but probably that’ll help you know how much they were in love with you and what you have missed all this time. With this step you’ve crossed the last but one mile stone. Congratulations!



  • Background check!


Here we are towards the last milestone, the background check. This is the most important thing you’ve gotta figure out, this is not about your ex but, about you. Sit down and think about it, are you actually willing to put in all the effort in order to get back the infinite love back? Because this time it’s going to be different from the last time and in fact it has to be different. You might have committed a mistake, maybe you weren’t an honest girlfriend/boyfriend, or maybe you just fell out of love, whatever the reason is, this time you’re supposed to make it different from the last time. If you know in your heart that this is the person I belong with and this the one who is going to be loving me unconditionally then, hey don’t think about it another time just, go for it with all the love. And HURRAY! You’ve crossed the last mile stone.

Oh wait, but you haven’t yet met them in person so, how did you cross the last mile stone, you haven’t yet there’s one last task – ASK YOUR EX OUT, once again. Start it all over again, let love blossom again, just restart. I’m not assuring you that this is going to be a happily ever after but you know what, there are going to be fights again, misunderstandings and you might actually fall out of love again and many times but, all you’ve gotta do is try loving all over again. Sit down, talk about it, clear it out, and put in that little extra effort to stay together cause monogamy isn’t just a way of life, it is far beyond that. 

We never lose our demons; we only learn to live above them. I hope this article really made an effect on you, Buena Suerte! 

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