June 2, 2020

The Hazards of Running Away from our Feelings.


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Yes, you heard me right, it’s okay if you are not okay.

Do you know why? I will tell you: the most important thing is to know why you are thinking about certain things—if you are embracing all the emotions that you are feeling right now.

Are you happy right now? Are you trying to hold a poker face? Is your blood boiling over that person who just made you angry?

Whatever it is, it’s all a part of us. Every emotion demands our attention, but how our life goes depends on how we deal with them.

Well, to be honest, I’m not here to tell you how you should deal with them. But I can tell you that life is short and becomes boring if you only allow yourself to feel one particular emotion. Feel all of them because then you know the difference between things going right and things going wrong.

I forgot to mention one thing: do not run away from what you’re feeling! It’s hazardous.

It’s perfectly fine to be sad. Let the emotions run deep, sometimes. Let yourself cry—go ahead.

See, it’s that easy. It’s okay to be a rebel and fight for yourself, even if that makes you go against the ones you love. Yes, it’s perfectly fine to run toward what makes you happy, regardless of what people think.

See. I know we care about what people think of us, no matter how much we say, “I don’t care.

We do care. But at the end of the day, we need to do what serves us and not to do what people want us to do.

It’s okay to run far, far away from people for peace of mind. It’s absolutely okay to call off everything and do nothing for some time—we are all humans, and we need to slow down for the sake of ourselves.

Also, you know that humans are hypocrites. When they tell you to do something, they are putting their own desires upon your shoulders because they can’t bear it. They are projecting their personal insecurities because they fear they can’t achieve it.

Why would we want to listen to those who have never even given their dreams a shot?

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Megha Shah  |  Contribution: 2,055

author: Megha Shah

Image: julika.illustration/instagram

Editor: Kate Force

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