June 11, 2020

A Full Moon Ritual to Release & Cleanse. {Partner}

This article is written in partnership with Saged—they’re dedicated to supporting you on your spiritual path, and we’re honored to work with them. ~ ed.


“The moon is a loyal companion.
It never leaves. It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. Every day it’s a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light. The moon understands what it means to be human.
Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections.”
~Tahereh Mafi


Join the Saged community for a full-on Full Moon ritual on Sunday, July 5th at 7 p.m. PST/10 p.m. EST. Find out how to get in on the magic, here>>


No matter where we stand, it’s clear: powerful shifts are taking place in the world right now.

Many of us find comfort and guidance by looking to the wisdom of the earth and the heavens at times of change and challenge. 

We reach out to community. 

We ground. We listen. We hold sacred space. 

We do the work to acknowledge and release the weight of the past, to make room for new and necessary growth, even when it’s painful.

We dig deeper than ever into spiritual wisdom, at times like this—times of planetary and evolutionary transformation. 

Grounded, Ancient Wisdom for Turbulent, Modern Times

As we continue to maintain a loving distance from those we’d usually be embracing and holding fast to right now, many of us are using online spaces to connect with like-minded people and hold one another up through these dark, but hopeful days.

Saged is one such space: a labor of love, created by spiritual seeker and student, Julia Munck, and featuring the voices and resources of a diverse group of modern mystics, leaders, healers, teachers, visionaries, and wisdom keepers.

Daily support on your spiritual path

Daily rituals, wisdom, and awe to support your spiritual journey. This way to the temple!
Download Saged today
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This app is a companion for those craving wisdom and support right now.

Their mission is to help you start your spiritual journey and build a path to a grounded and intuitive lifestyle by reconnecting you with earth-based wisdom and the burgeoning spiritual community it has gathered together. 

It offers an eclectic mix of articles, workshops, masterclasses, gatherings, and group discussions on topics like daily and seasonal rituals, crystal and sound healing, breathwork, manifestation, tarot, reiki, astrology, guided meditation, and more. 

“In a world bombarded with information, this app fills a gap left in the practical ‘spiritual’ space. Saged provides a trusted resource for powerful guidance and tools that support us in living a more empowered, grounded, joyful, informed experience, during a time of planetary and evolutionary change. The deep wisdom collected here is not something I would ever expect to find on an app, and I am grateful beyond to the creators for bringing this to us with a few taps. We all need to get Saged!” ~ Vonetta E.

If you’re interested in connecting more deeply with your body, the divine feminine, the earth, and a supportive spiritual community, Saged offers a wide collection of inspiring and healing content for free.

Download Saged, free >>

They also offer a premium option which gives access to their full library of contentincluding over 30 masterclasses covering topics like crystal and energy healing, astrology, ascension, and guided meditation journeysas well as their virtual community gatherings which happen around important celestial and planetary events, like the new and full moon, and the upcoming solstice, which coincides closely with the next new moon.

To help you stay balanced during these turbulent times, Saged offers this clearing ritual. If you’re curious to learn more, or connect with their spiritually-minded community, download the app here >>

“Escape from the black cloud
that surrounds you.
Then you will see your own light
as radiant as the full moon.”

A Full Moon Ritual to Release & Cleanse

To relax into the flow of life, try this full moon ritual to release and cleanse, and make space for a life that is better than you could have imagined.

It’s also a good practice every full moon to set out your crystals to charge and cleanse in the moonlight.

  1. Start with a good smoke cleanse with your herbs of choice, we are into Palo Santo at the moment. If it feels right, recite while you cleanse  “I am the light, clearing this space, leaving room only for light and love.”
  2. Make a little altar with a few crystals and whatever items resonate with you. Get a glass of water and put it on your altar.
  3. Light a candle and sit in quiet meditation for 10 minutes.
  4. Write down the things you want to release into the full moon on a piece of paper. Read it out loud then burn the paper in the candle fire, visualizing the obstacles in your path disappear.
  5. Hold your glass of water in both hands, start thinking about what you do want in your lifethis can be things, emotions, or situations and start speaking these wishes into the glass of water.
  6. Drink and almost finish all the water in the glass, leave a few drops at the bottom. The remaining drops are an offering to the earth, to the moon, and the universe. Pour it out outside.
  7. In closing, snuff out the candle and discard the burnt paper remains and the water. If it feels right for you, you can smoke cleanse your area one more time and say “It is done, It is done, it is done.”

Howl at the moon, friends!

For more guidance and inspiration, download Saged, free >>
Join the Full Moon ritual on Sunday, July 5th at 7 p.m. PST/10 p.m. EST. Find out how to get in on the magic, here>>


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Khara-Jade Warren  |  Contribution: 75,475

author: Khara-Jade Warren

Image: Ali Atiabi/Pexels