July 28, 2020

Where do we go From Here? 5 Tips for Moving Forward with COVID-19.

The world will forever be changed because of this COVID-19 pandemic.

We have to adapt to these changes to continue surviving.

These times urge us to reinvent ourselves, and in so doing, we come out stronger and better than ever before.

I would like to pose a question: so, where do we go from here?

Lockdowns have eased. Businesses have reopened. Employers are sending their employees back to work. For some of us who have self-isolated for months, it can get scary to venture out of our homes. There is still COVID-19 and people around the world are still succumbing to it every day.

Like it or not, we have to both move past the fear and continue to follow safety guidelines if we’re to continue living in this new world. Grant us courage to persevere, wisdom to realise our blessings, and the heart to share our healthy mind and body.

Here are my five tips for moving forward with COVID-19:

Moving forward #1: Be kind.

These times are tough for everyone. Be kind to yourself and others. Every living being is fragile in these uncertain times.

We’ve watched videos of people throwing tantrums in supermarkets, read about rude people who spat at frontline workers, and for what: being the modern-day heroes that they are? Before you blow up and say words you can’t take back or do things you’ll regret, breathe. Calm yourself down. Show some compassion, please. Pro tip: in order to find your peaceful place, work through those negative, destructive feelings before you venture out.

Moving forward #2: Get creative.

With all the stress, confusion, anxiety, and uncertainty that’s going on in the world, I think we need to focus on something that will give us joy and inspiration, and then we can share the love. For me, it’s making podcast episodes week after week and creating art. What’s it for you? What’s your hobby, your outlet? It could be playing your music, singing out loud, or it can just be something simple such as organizing and decluttering your things. Whatever it is that you do to nurture yourself and unleash a better you for the world, please dedicate time to it. You’re going to need that outlet to get you through the rest of this pandemic.

Moving forward #3: Upskill.

Keep learning and improving yourself. In this internet age, there are so many resources you can find online to level yourself up. While some businesses, such as retail giants, have gone into liquidation, they’ve let go of their numerous skilled employees. Those workers now risk not being able to provide for their families. I recently read about how a pub owner had nearly 500 job applicants for a 9 pound per hour job. It can come across as shocking, but these are the times we’re in.

There is a big opportunity here for us to develop our skills. When we upskill ourselves—such as by getting trainings, workshops, or certifications online—we might even land in a different field that what we’ve originally imagined.

Moving forward #4: Collaborate.

There is strength in numbers. With diverse skill sets, collaboration can make it easier and faster to achieve tasks. It can also make it possible for businesses to survive these trying times. Reach out to your former colleagues and friends who might have similar skills. What can you create? How can you be of benefit in this new world of ours?

Moving forward #5: Invest in relationships.

When we invest in relationships, we look after our well-being as well. We need the connectedness that relationships bring to ensure our survival. We can survive whatever curveballs life throws at us when we share the love by establishing and nurturing our relationships every day. Here’s a message that many are saying in these times, “We’re in this together. We’ll get through this together.” Prove it! Send a letter, or make a phone call instead of texting.

With that in mind, I would like to share with you my poem called “The Door.”

The Door

Open this door and see what lies inside
Excitement, fear, and enjoyment ride
As loneliness and happiness fuse together
So will there be changes in season and weather
This door may lead to a better future
When joys are reflected to its mirror
It also can lead to tremendous sorrow
Bring grief and despair for tomorrow.
This door will always be open
To those who do the best they can
Rewards and happiness they seek
Are given to those who are meek
If you want to survive within this door
Be happy with the life you explore.

Thank you for reading. Stay safe and healthy everyone!

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author: Viva O'Flynn

Image: Anna Shvets/Pexels

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