August 6, 2020

8 Signs of Fake Love.


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I am the first person to admit that, in the past, I have tried to force love to happen.

I ignored signs that indicated it wasn’t something that would last. I tried to strong-arm the relationship. I thought, “Maybe if I do ‘X’ they will find me worthy, and it’ll get better.” (Maybe then I will feel worthy, too.)

Hint: This is not the case. Ever.

Here are eight surefire signs that it’s a fake love:

1. They change you.

2. They try to control you.

3. They don’t trust you (constant unreasonable jealousy).

4. They don’t prioritize you.

5. They’re emotionally distant.

6. They seem uninterested.

7. They don’t meet you halfway. 

8. They easily give up on you.

Every little disagreement ends in “I’m done.” Or, “I can’t do this anymore.” It’s always what they like or want to do. You sacrifice your energy and time; you do the emotional labor.

If you feel like they don’t care about your thoughts, feelings, and passions, don’t ignore that!

Watch this for more details:

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Image: muhammedsalah/instagram

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