August 10, 2020

I Want Something Just Like This.


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I want to be kissed, softly on the forehead, just because.

I want to be washing the dishes mindlessly or brushing my teeth, and your arms wrap around me from behind. Warmly. Your face buried. Your lips grazing my neck.

I want to be busy doing something, focused on the task at hand. I look up and see you with that look in your eye, you know the one—the one that says I’ll devour you.

I want to be in the car singing, really badly, because I do sing really badly when you take my hand in yours.

I want to be talking in an animated way, rambling even, and maybe you aren’t really listening, but you pretend that you are.

I want you to hold my precious heart. Delicately. Affectionately. With all the care and love you have.

I want you to know that I will hold your precious heart. Delicately. Affectionately. With all the care and love that I have.

I want to be challenged. Challenge me on my thoughts. We’ll challenge each other and animatedly debate our ideas.

I want to argue. Good relationships aren’t passive, they are emotive. I want there to be fire because that shows we fight for what is important to us.

I want to make up after arguing. I want great communication and super hot makeup sex.

I want us to support each other’s dreams, whatever they may be. Individual dreams and shared dreams.

I want you to be vulnerable. Tell me your darkest secrets. Your happiest moments. Tell me what scares you. What excites you. Tell me what you want. What you desire. I want to know everything. Laugh. Cry. Let me hold you. Let me be there for you.

I want to cook you dinner. I want you to appreciate my efforts, even though I’m a mediocre cook at best.

I want to grow with you. I want us to grow individually. Grow together and we will transform.

I want you to have interests of your own. I want to have interests of my own. I want to have shared interests. Two people with interesting and full lives independently and together.

I want you to be passionate. Passionate about life. Passionate about your dreams and goals. Passionate about what’s important to you. Passionate about me. Passionate about us.

I want to sneak into the shower and wrap my arms around you when you have shampoo all through your hair and in your eyes.

I want you to be adventurous. Adventurous to try new things. Go to new places.

I want to lie in the bath with you talking about life. Reading. Staring into each other’s eyes in silence. Simply being.

I want you to understand that I am both, a mother and a woman. My children, no matter their age, are my gifts, and I will always be there for them. As I will understand you may have your own gifts.

I want you to respect me. Respect my independence. Respect my boundaries. Respect that I will love you hard.

I want a chemistry and energy that defies logic. A connection so strong, it just is.

I want you to love all my flaws and imperfections because there are plenty. I want you to look at my wobbly bits and say, “F*ck, you’re sexy.”

I want to work together. Financially. Physically. Spiritually. I want to be equal. Always supportive.

I want you to be whole. Happy with yourself. Loving yourself. Then we complement each other’s lives. We want and desire. We do not need.

I want you to touch me. Play with my hair. Tickle my back. Rub my legs. Slap my ass. I want to touch you. Massage you. Touch you in that way that drives you wild.

I want to play. Have fun. Laugh. Be sarcastic. Tease each other as only those who share intimacy can.

I want you to love nature as much as I do. To feel the ocean in your soul. To be enchanted by sunrises and sunsets. To be grateful of the beauty that surrounds us each and every day.

I want you to be proud of me. Proud of who I am and what I have achieved, because I will be so damn proud of you.

I want you to be motivated. Motivated to fulfill your goals. Motivated to grow with me. Motivated to fight for what you believe in.

I want to lay with my head on your chest, in silence. Both of us caught up in our own thoughts. Communicating without the need for words. I want to hear your heartbeat. Feel the inhale and exhale of your breath.

I want to learn from you. I want you to learn from me. I want us to forever be on a journey of learning. Evolving.

I want you to think I’m a Goddess. See me as your Queen, because you will be my King.

I want to share life. I want to share love. I want to share experiences and magic moments. Moments we will carry with us forever.

I want us to live every f*cking day with purpose. As if it’s our last. Inspire each other. Drive each other a little crazy. Laugh at each other and ourselves. Rock each other’s world. Rock each other’s minds. Rock each other’s spirit. Rock each other’s bodies.

I want something just like this.

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Michelle Schafer  |  Contribution: 116,690

author: Michelle Schafer

Image: Muhammed Salah

Editor: Farah Hany

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