August 18, 2020

It only takes a Moment.

It only takes a moment:

To realise you’ve fallen in love. To feel the magnitude of all those emotions at once. A cyclone of feelings that can never be aptly described.

It only takes a moment:

To say something hurtful. To do something regrettable. To cause pain in another.

It only takes a moment:

To make eye contact. Setting off the electricity dancing in your energies. Finding that elusive connection.

It only takes a moment:

To change someone’s day. A smile. A hello. A few words of encouragement. To make someone remember how you made them feel.

It only takes a moment:

To be kind. To show care. You never know who you can save in just that moment. Who you may have pulled from a ledge.

It only takes a moment:

To impact someone’s confidence. To damage their self-esteem. Harsh critical words can wound in that one single moment.

It only takes a moment:

To inspire someone. To encourage them to try something new. To offer them the ability to believe in themselves.

It only takes a moment:

To laugh so hard with someone. To have this special type of banter. To have an incredible amount of fun. In the briefest of moments, you can share such joy.

It only takes a moment:

To apologise. To genuinely, from the heart say sorry to someone you have hurt. To mean what you say and say what you mean.

It only takes a moment:

To show someone how special they are. To tell them what they mean to you. To never leave them guessing.

It only takes a moment:

To make someone cry. To break their heart. Shattering into a million pieces. Leave them feeling broken.

It only takes a moment:

To make yourself cry. To break your own f*cking heart. Shattering into a million pieces. Feeling broken.

It only takes a moment:

To share the most passionate of kisses. The intimacy and magic tantalising the lips. Tantalising the body all at once, in the briefest of moments. Knowing that kiss came from the soul.

It only takes a moment:

To say I love you. You are the love of my life and the best thing to happen to me. You are the person I want.

It only takes a moment:

To say I can’t do this anymore. We need to end things. I’m sorry it’s over.

It only takes a moment:

To miss someone. To miss talking to them. Listening to them. Confiding in them. To miss their touch, their presence. To miss the laughter and the sarcasm. To miss what you meant to them.

It only takes a moment:

To make a choice. Make a decision that could impact the rest of your life and forever impact someone else’s.

It only takes a moment:

To decide to keep a secret. To hide your truth and forever be chained to the deceit. Never able to be fully authentic.

It only takes a moment:

To lay your soul bare. To speak your truth and set yourself free. To be unapologetically yourself in all your authenticity.

It only takes a moment:

To forgive someone. To let go and move forward with peace and love in your heart.

It only takes a moment:

To forgive yourself. To unburden yourself of your mistakes. Being honest with yourself and those in your life will give you and them the greatest gift.

It only takes a moment:

To accept what was. To accept what is and to accept what is to come. To accept everything happens for a reason.

It only takes a moment:

To love yourself. To know that you are worthy. To adjust your crown and remember the Queen that you are.

It only takes a moment:

To appreciate what you have. To appreciate those in your life. To appreciate your journey. To appreciate all the wonder in your life.

It only takes a moment:

To understand you are exactly where you are meant to be. What is meant for you will come to you. It might take a year. It might take a day, but what is meant to be will always find its way.

It only takes a moment:

To fully comprehend that the power of the moment can forever change your life. Can forever change another’s life. In just a moment some things will never be the same. See the beauty. Enjoy the ride. Learn the lessons. Create the amazing life you deserve.

Love and forever hang onto every moment, for each moment is magnificently crafted to form the slideshow of your life.


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Michelle Schafer  |  Contribution: 111,635

author: Michelle Schafer

Image: Denkrahm/Flickr

Editor: Naomi Boshari

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