August 23, 2020

When your Heart is Dark & Heavy, this Poem is the Light you Need.


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If you are heavy, can you be fully heavy?

Be heavy like the 4 billion-year-old meteorite in the entrance to Greenwich Observatory that feels electric when you touch it.

Be heavy like the rain.

Small, but definite in its direction back down

soon to sink into the earth.

Lie on the ground, and while you are there, surrender to it.

Let gravity take your weight.

You don’t need to hold it anymore.

Be weightless.

Be light, like a blade of grass

that is intimately connected to the density of the planet.

When I was small, my mum would call me a heavy lump as she picked me up, took the weight off my feet, and held me close to her heart.

Can you feel the pulse of the world around you?

Even the earth has a mother

who takes her weight

(she holds you too).

Can you notice how there really isn’t any reason not to let go,

with so much support from everything that has ever been?

Your weight is a playful reminder of your limitless interrelation with all things.

Notice how everything around you feels somehow familiar.

Everything you see has a feeling that is somehow



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Catherine Leon  |  Contribution: 120

author: Catherine Leon

Image: Author's Own/Instagram

Editor: Kate Force

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