October 1, 2020

5 Steps to Strengthen your Intuition. {Partner}

This article is written in partnership with The SAGE Method—they’re dedicated to helping us connect with our authentic, natural intuitive abilities, and we’re honored to work with them. ~ ed.


Isabeau Maxwell isn’t your stereotypical psychic medium.

She’s down-to-earth and unassuming, with a kind and comforting presence. She laughs a lot and has a huge, glowing smile with not a whiff of dark, angsty, “I see dead people” vibe about her. I guess you could say she has really “grounded energy.” When I first heard the story of how she went from a mathematics and science-loving skeptic to a full-on, communicating with spirits, getting messages from the universe intuitive, I was curious—but not necessarily convinced. I, too, am a science-loving skeptic, albeit an open-minded one. After spending the last four weeks diving into her online course, The SAGE Method, and hanging with the community she’s built around it, I find myself more and more convinced that I, too, can tap into whatever she did when her deceased grandmother appeared to her in spirit form one day in her living room. (Yes, really. You can check out her book, Cracking Open: Adventures of a Reluctant Medium for the whole story.) I ammuch to my own surprisethirsty to learn more. I’ve felt myself shifting into a space of deeper connectedness with…everything, but most significantly, with myself. (Side note: Seriously, she is adorable. I felt excited to get to the next set of videos each week just because it felt like hanging with my new, sweet friend who happens to be a psychic medium.) The SAGE Method is a 7-week online course that Beau (short for Isabeau) has created to help guide us in rediscovering our own innate intuition, regardless of whether we want to actually give readings to others or use our newly sharpened intuition simply to travel through our own lives with more peace and awareness.

Learn more about The SAGE Method here >>

She formulated this program as a direct result of having to navigate her own intuitive opening, where she found herself alone with the process and needing direction, or more accurately, a path. One of the first things she teaches in the course is that intuition isn’t elusive or marked as special for just a few gifted people in the world. It is a natural ability each and every person has access to. Our intuition has just been covered over and hidden deep under all our “stuff”: mental, physical, emotional, energetic clutter that’s blocking our connectedness to the flow of life itself. And there’s a direct, step-by-step way to uncover it. Over the seven weeks of the course, as each week builds off of the last, students discover the layers that were blocking them and are given simple tools to remove those layers and step more into their authentic self. Based on the results of my experience so far, I am excited to see what comes next. Beau explains that as the course progresses, teachings are presented that assist the student in understanding the how and why intuition works the way it does, and how to create a flow that works organically for them, individually. And finally, as many report their favorite part of the course to be, you go through a series of fun experiments that show the student exactly what your own intuitive strengths are and how to harness them with ease. It’s not a quick fix and I’m not gonna lie, it’s been hard inner work! “This isn’t all lollipops, unicorns, and butterflies” as Beau puts it—again, not at all what I pictured when I imagined how I might “learn to be more psychic,” Beau has seen over the last 15 years that those who put in the work reap the greatest rewards.  With a long list of testimonials, it seems that The SAGE Method can provide everyone from beginners to advanced intuitives with more clarity and joy on their path. Some have reported finally finding balance through mental struggles that had plagued them for years. Others share their excitement of being able to finally connect with the loved ones they have lost in death or to finally have that spirit guide communication that had been eluding them for so long.

Learn more about The SAGE Method here >>

Shortly after creating this course she came to the realization that there was no support structure for a person’s intuitive development experience. So she also created The SAGE Circle which is a global, spiritual community for students to connect with each other, supporting and lifting each other up with love. As Beau states, “Community is important to sustaining our spirituality, and finding a loving and accepting community connected to living a life intuitively can be hard to do. It was very important to me to build a safe place for intuitive seekers to connect and feel welcome. We make certain to not align with any one particular faith for just this reason. All are welcome in the community. All are seen in the truth that we are all beautiful souls sharing a common experience. To be able to share your authentic self with others through intuitive discussion, meditation sessions, teachings, and even artistic expression is priceless.” In The SAGE Circle, Beau offers weekly chats on a whole range of topics from new and full moon rituals, to discussions about concepts like twin flames, to guidance and reassurances for those who have not yet found their footing in their newly awakening intuitive abilities. She’s also recently released a new course, which is available to The SAGE Method students only, called Crossing Over, and it touches on all our most burning questions about what happens when we die. A wonderful way to get a taste of what Isabeau and The SAGE Method have to offer, and experience her teaching style, is Beau’s totally free Five Top Intuitive Tools course where she digs into the most important tools for anyone looking to sharpen, or even just believe in their intuition. These are:

1. Ground, Clear, Protect

I cannot overstate how helpful this practice is in my daily life now. I do it several times a day and it’s helped me both become more open to others’ energy but also less reactive to it. Vital for anyone who identifies as an empath or a highly sensitive person

2. Guide Communication

Beau explains it like this: “Speaking to your guides and loved ones daily is a conscious recognition you are on your spiritual path. It is an act of love and commitment. It is acknowledgment of them, the universe, and the possibilities that await you. If intuition is something you want in your life, then recognizing the sources of information daily will amplify your connection.”

3. Five Minute Faith

This is a beautiful little exercise that I now incorporate into my meditation practice. Simply put, it’s an exercise in opening your mind to possibility. After doing this for the last few weeks, I can tell ya, I’m worrying less about a whole bunch of stuff I usually obsess over, and I’m starting to feel a little more softness and surrender creeping into that space around my heart.

4. Decluttering

The minimalists might just be onto something. Clutter is the ultimate enemy of intuition. Yes, the spiritual guru who lives on the mountain top in a cave, with very few possessions, is likely the most intuitive. Why? Because they are not cluttered. They are open and able to devote all of their energy to the task at hand, intuition. But, we do not live on the mountain top in a cave. So, the next best thing is to declutter our environment, physical body, and mind.

5. Detached Information

One of the top questions Beau hears from people in regards to intuition is how to distinguish it from imagination. If our intuitive, artistic, creative, spontaneous right brain is the mailman, trying to deliver intuitive messages, then the analytical, logical, opinionated left brain is a dog trying to bite (interrupt) the mailman. The key to solid intuitive flow is to train the dog to sit quietly while the mailman delivers the messages. This tool uses meditative techniques to settle down our dog mind.

Learn how to use the Five Top Intuitive Tools, FREE >>

Will I change my Buddhist-leaning perspective on all this overnight? Perhaps not. But I can say my ever-further-opening mind is intrigued. The thing is, wherever you are on your journey, and wherever you place in your personal beliefs about what this wild and precious life is all about, The SAGE Method has more golden nuggets of wisdom than I’ve encountered in many online courses, and I’ve done a fair few.  It’s something that, as a (perhaps recovering) skeptic, I am genuinely drawn to exploring more, week on week. Who knows where it may lead? Psychic readings, or just a greater sense of purpose and clarity, I’m not sure. It all depends on where my path is headed.  

5 Ways to Develop your Natural Intuitive Abilities.

1. The SAGE Method Course

SAGE stands for Spirituality, Alignment, Growth, and Empowerment. Live your best life, experience your true abilities, and step into alignment and bliss! The SAGE Method is the most down-to-earth, comprehensive program out there when it comes to intuitive development classes.
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How to Listen to your Natural Intuition. Waylon with Beau of The SAGE Method: https://youtu.be/4OCZFsue0as

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author: Khara-Jade Warren