November 5, 2020

A Simple Way to Get the Nutrients we Need—Every Damn Day. {Partner}

This article is offered in partnership with NewGreens® by Pure Prescriptions. They’re a rare family-owned, mission-driven bunch in a crowded and dirty industry, and we’re honored to work with them. ~ed.


Your Favorite Natural Health Supplement is Probably Made in China, Run by Venture Capital & Owned by Wall Street. Here’s a Family-Run, Made-in-America, Actually Wholesome Alternative.

Our health is a fragile and precious thing, inextricably tied to the health of our environment, our governments, our communities, our families.

If this wasn’t clear to us before, it should be pretty damn crystal now.

One potential upside of the widespread personal and global health crises we’re facing is that many of us are also growing in awareness. Though true well-being extends beyond individual wellness, the first and most natural place to start is with our own bodies.

Many of us are already taking back authorship of our health and looking toward wholesome, nature-led, human-scale solutions to help us realign.

In keeping with Michael Pollan’s Zen koan on nutrition, “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants,” many of us have gotten better at eating real food (not overly processed, natural, simple). Many of us may have also mastered eating more intuitive quantities of food, in line with what our bodies actually need. But even the most health-conscious among us don’t always succeed at the “mostly plants” part.

Getting enough high-quality fruits and veggies into our diets in a way that is both optimally nourishing and tasty can be a time squeeze, given our busy modern lifestyles. And unless we’re lucky enough to have access to small-scale local farmers using organic, regenerative methods, the nutritional quality of our produce is just not up to par, thanks to our soil-depleting industrial farming methods.

Innovative creatures that we are—for better or worse—we created a handy workaround for that particular problem. Then, for better and worse, we turned it into a gigantic global industry.

According to Nutrition Capital Network, the dietary supplement industry just had its biggest year ever at over $50 billion in sales. And the natural and organic industry is at more than $230 billion in sales.

This is great news as more of us turn to healthy options when compared to allopathic or conventional medicine…however, private equity and big Wall Street money runs not just the big brands, but many smaller boutique brands, fronted by your favorite health guru.

Name the brand and they’re likely to have taken money from an investment firm of some sort, ruled by delivering a healthy bottom line over healthy products.

This is precisely why an indie, family-run, mission-driven outfit like NewGreens® makes our Ele-hearts beat a little faster.

In a crowded, cut-throat marketplace of products made as cheaply as possible and marketed to you as hard as possible for as high a profit as possible, NewGreens® is a rare breed: born out of personal health struggles, run on a human scale by actually caring people who have as much of their own heart invested in making a truly healthy product as they do their own, hard-earned money.

“I’ve been in this industry since the mid-90s and have literally watched as fun-loving hippies turned to grubby investment bankers. The industry is also awash with major tech bro dollars.” ~ Devin Ryerson, founder 

And if you don’t care about any of this: 1. Seriously? and 2. You may care that NewGreens® is simply the easiest and best nutritional bang for your buck.

Get 25% off + free shipping with code EJ25 >>

Your Mama was Right when she said “Eat your Greens,” but Drinking ‘em is Better.

Recent studies (1.) suggest that greens powders hold a ton of potential for our health:

>> “In one four-week study (2.) in 10 healthy people, two tablespoons (10 grams) of greens powder taken daily lowered blood levels of oxidatively damaged proteins by 30%.”

>> “In another 90-day study (3.) in 40 people with high blood pressure, two tablespoons (10 grams) of greens powder taken daily decreased both systolic and diastolic blood pressure by about 8%. The control group observed no improvement.”

While greens powders should never completely replace vegetables in our diet, their combined ease and nutritional benefits make them well worth adding to our daily routines.

The Lowdown on NewGreens®

Phytonutrients. Antioxidants. Vitamins. Minerals. Green vegetables are packed full of some of the essential nutrients our bodies need but typically lack in our modern diets. Organic produce can be expensive. Daily juicing is a grind (and it removes all the fiber content).

That’s why NewGreens® was created—to provide a combination of superfoods that deliver an optimal, on-the-go nutrient boost. Just one scoop of the powder delivers the equivalent of two full servings of fresh, organic produce.

Unlike other green drinks, NewGreens® ingredients are predominantly sourced from North American farms. They never source from China. Period. It’s part of their promise to go beyond organic and to make sure we can trust in every step, from their farms to their formula.

What’s more, they freeze-dry all of their produce so you get the delicious whole-food nutrients (not just the juice) and the green goodness doesn’t get destroyed by heat. They also include sprouted ingredients to make sure the greens are easily digestible for optimal nutritional benefit.

The Story behind the Superfood

At the heart of NewGreens® (and its parent company, Pure Prescriptions) is their founder, Devin Ryerson’s story:

“One month after I graduated from LA College of Chiropractic in December of 1998, I found a lump in my neck that was diagnosed as Hodgkins Lymphoma. By February I was undergoing surgery, followed by chemotherapy. The next eight months were difficult. I lost my hair. I got very weak. My immune system was so compromised that I contracted pneumonia, and I remember being in a hospital bed writing my will and deciding whether to sign a DNR. My family came from across California and the country and said their goodbyes to me, and I to them. But I fought, and I survived.

When I was declared cancer-free, I made a decision to leave the high-stress lifestyle I’d been living. At the time of my diagnosis, I’d been working days as an intern, nights as a financial planner. I was incredibly stressed. Even though I was active, I lived on bacon cheeseburgers and super-sized soft drinks. As it does for so many people, my brush with cancer helped me see that I wanted to live differently. I wanted to live a simple life, instead of killing myself to try to get ahead.

So I sold my things and moved to Costa Rica, where I lived happily in a shack on the beach. I had no intention of ever coming back to the United States. But then my father visited me shortly after I moved, and within days he became very ill. A tall, robust man, he lost 30 pounds in a matter of weeks. Concerned, I left my new life in Costa Rica to fly back to California with my father. Sadly, he was diagnosed with Leukemia, and seven months later he was dead.

During those seven months, my father struggled. He did everything he could to beat the cancer, and I did everything I could to help support his treatment. I had learned a lot while I was ill, but I learned even more about natural supplements and alternative remedies that could help. I wanted to connect with others facing the same struggles…I spent my time writing articles, comparing notes, and discussing treatments with people around the world affected by cancer.

In frustration, I decided to do what I could to make professional-grade products available to those who needed them.

We want to help people undergoing severe health challenges, who need answers. We’ve been there. We know how frustrating, and frightening, it can be. This is truly a family company, and a work of love. Hopefully, we can make things just a bit easier.”

A Delicious Way to Treat our Bodies Well

NewGreens® is such a simple, wholesome solution that it almost seems too good to be true. (It isn’t, though. We’ve done our homework.) Not only can they help us get and keep our wellness on track, but we can feel pretty damn good about supporting them—all at the same time.

The simplest way to have NewGreens® is just to toss a couple of spoonfuls into a glass of water (or other beverage). It’s also a value-added, easy addition to smoothies. You can even throw a scoop or two into your cooking or baking mix where inspired.

Superfood Drinks that Don’t Suck.

1. The Holy Trinity of Tasty Goodness

Support American Organic Farmers + Small Business with 3 delicious tasting options: NewGreens® Classic, NewGreens® Superberry, and NewGreens® Minted.
EJ25 for 25% off + free shipping
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