December 1, 2020

How to Love the Broken.


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It takes a special kind of someone to capture the interest of someone who is broken.

And it takes an even more special kind of someone to earn their trust and win their love.

We may have wounds that cut so deep the scars have not yet formed. We are raw, and those wounds are ready to rip open and bleed profusely at any perceived misstep.

We may have childhood trauma that we have managed to pack up and carry with us into adulthood, yet have never fully healed. Fear of rejection. Fear of abandonment.

That bag we packed can rip open, bursting at the seams, with even a perceived slight.

We may have been used in so many ways because the love we gave so freely was taken advantage of, manipulated, and abused. We were naïve, trusting, and poured our all into others who were just toying with our emotions. They promised us the world and left us shattered on this earth.

We are a fragile sort, and taking chances on love no longer comes easily for us. We are physically tired, emotionally drained, and mentally fatigued. As much as we would love to find what we have always dreamed of, our energy is spent.

There is comfort in solitude—a sense of relief, peace, and stability.

For those who want to love us? It is not for the faint of heart, yet I can assure you that the love we harbor is so strong and powerful that once unleashed, you may question if you are actually ready for it.

The conquest may be more appealing than the actuality. Because we are a lot of work—and we have a hell of a lot to give, yet our requirements are often too much for the average human being.

If you truly love the broken, then you need to take a step back and stop pushing your love on them—and pay attention to what they need from you.

Please read carefully what is to follow:

>> Many think that everyone craves kisses and hearts, romantic words, and lustful comments. Please stop. Your attempts are perceived and viewed as bullsh*t. Knock it off already. Some do long for that, but the broken—most likely not. We hate it. It’s the biggest turn off and red flag of all.

>> Many think that showering us with the above will bring us around—stop. It won’t. You will, frankly, reaffirm why we cherish our newfound solitude and freedom.

>> Because of the above, when we tell you point blank what we need or want, it’s disregarded. And that my friends has nothing to do with what we want, but everything to do with what you want. It is the biggest insult of all. Because you don’t listen to us or regard what we have to say. You think your love can conquer all.

>> We are like rescue dogs. You need to let us come to you in our time. You need to provide an environment that is safe and comfortable. You need to lay off the outpouring of romantic words, sexual references, and bullsh*t that some people long to hear. Because that doesn’t work with us. We want and need so much more. And only the most genuine of souls can see that through.

>> We may come close—then shy away. We may welcome your presence—then shy away. We may love you in our hearts—then realize that we cannot endure what we have so many times before and bolt.

Yet the one who is meant to be—that person will be there. That person sees you, hears you, and knows you.

And that person will not long for anyone else but you—because you two are one when pieced together.


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Erin Murphy  |  Contribution: 166,510

author: Erin Murphy

Image: muhammedsalah_/instagram

Editor: Lisa Erickson

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