September 20, 2008

From the ‘Enough Said’ department.

USA flag lapel pin is made in China.

“Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.” ~ George Washington

With thanks to Aimee Snow for the above.

I’ve long been of the opinion that the American flag is a wonderful thing, as is patriotism. Why? Because America is more or less unique in our country being an idea—about freedom of speech, press, dissent, government by for and of the people. My patriotism, however, is not your flag-waving, I-have-no-idea-what-makes-the-USA!-USA!-special, I-just think-of-national-pride-as-a-deadly-serious-version-of-loving-your-local-sports-club. USA ruuuuules!

So I decided to get me an American flag, and make myself a big flagpole. Only, shopping on Republican-addled ebay, all the flags were…you guessed it? Made in China.

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