December 20, 2020

Here’s to the Wild Drum Girls. {Poem}

Francesca Zama/Pexels

Here’s to the wild drum girls with untamed hair

and starving hearts.

To the fickle minds that long to seek out


I speak to you.

Come closer.

Let our faces soak up the sun. 

Let the rays be the only thing painting

our bright faces. 

Let us speak softly, with an edge in our voices.

We can show you how to light fire with our words

if you listen intently.

Steady your breathing,

you will want to save your air.

We have always been wild women. 

You can feel it in the way we

dance naked in the kitchen.

We move alone because we do not fear solitude.

We do not shy away from silence.

Go ahead and watch us.

When we fall in love

the mountains fill with thunder.

People will stay up late to watch our

lightning veins spread across the deep night sky.

We gift wrap passion as if it is for our sisters,

as if we discovered the secrets of the universe 

and long to share. 

We love the journey and memorize gentle curves

of new faces.

We will keep collecting people with souls that

match our own as if they were made of gold.

As if our pockets could hold all the people

in this misunderstood world.

We long to learn a phrase from every language

in existence,

because as many times as you whisper,

“Mi Amore” in our ear, 

it is never enough.

Our hands are scarred with artwork,

and our feet melt into the soil a little more

each day like the roots of trees.

Can you feel her connection? 

Slow down. Grow with us.

Learn to be like a child.

Our eyes are filled with starlight

because we are always searching

for what is to come.

Always looking up to allow one last sparkle

to fall into our eyes.

We wonder what light will blind us next.

We swim in the ocean in nothing but our bodies.

We will lay on the surface, still enough to absorb

the shocks of the sea floor.

When we return to the shoreline,

we will watch the salt crystalize on our freckled skin.

Each one unique—never a single one alike.

We promise to stay human.

To speak with gratitude and solace,

but we will always crave the taste of free spirit air.

You should know that our messy hair

is on purpose.

We were too good at being little girls,

our roots fall into our shoulder blades too often.

If we let you,

you can observe how our eyelashes become 

curtains to the galaxies.

With one blink,

we may teach you how to breath into tomorrow.

Just make sure you keep your eyes open

because trust us,

you won’t want to miss a thing.


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Emma Lou  |  Contribution: 3,295

author: Emma Lou

Image: Francesca Zama/Pexels

Editor: Lisa Erickson

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