5.0 Editor's Pick
December 20, 2020

Dear Teacher: My Son has a Message for You.

Author's Own

Dear Teacher,

What a year it’s been!

You have made such an unforgettable impact in our lives.

You change lives. Did you know that? Like, really know that??

Everybody at some point growing up encounters teachers. When you get an outstanding teacher, one who leaves a permanent imprint, like we did this year—it can alter your course forever. I know I sound dramatic, but it really is that dramatic, and not enough recognition is given.

This year, the teachers in my son’s grade have done just that.

It felt as though he was seen. Being seen is so vital.

They saw his quirks.

They saw his brilliance.

They saw his humour.

They saw his struggles.

They saw his perfectionism.

They saw his negativity.

They saw it all and they saw him. They saw the whole person, the capable student.

The patience, understanding, appreciation of differences, grit, adaptation, flexibility, integration, the show of love and adoration, is remarkable. They do all this for 20 or more students! I know how hard it is to be all this for three people let alone that many, consistently, for five days straight every week during term.

It blows my mind.

I am so grateful you have given my son this year to shine, the opportunity to grow—and not only for him, but for all of us in this family; it’s a knock-on effect.

It’s difficult to find the words that express the enormity of the gratitude that our family feels. Wine, chocolates, and messages don’t seem enough.

So this is a tribute to all teachers, especially ours, to let you know that what you do really is life-changing.

From the depths of my heart, I thank you, for all that you do.

I thank you, for you, and I see you too.

Love, Lorna


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Lorna Hay  |  Contribution: 3,175

author: Lorna Hay

Image: Author's Own

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra

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